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Rasmus Paludan: portrait of a troublemaker

   FG, BastaYekfi, 18/4/2022

The man who set fire to the Swedish suburbs during the Easter weekend and in the middle of Ramadan earned his time in the limelight. Express portrait.

Rasmus Paludan, by Morten Ingemann

Rasmus Paludan was born in 1982 in North Zealand to a Danish mother and a Swedish father, which allowed him two years ago to obtain Swedish nationality as well as Danish, and should open a path for him to become a candidate in Sweden’s legislative elections next September. He will probably have no more chance of being elected there than in Denmark, where he received only a few thousand votes, but this should widen his influence on the so-called social networks, where he is spreading out, multiplying provocations, but without meeting the expected success.

 Rasmus has a leftist younger brother - who called in a video not to vote for him in 2019 - and a feminist poet little sister, who also makes electronic music. He got married last fall to a 21-year-old woman, whose anonymity has been preserved and who is only known to the public as having had love affair since she was 17 with Peter Madsen, alias Raket-Madsen, the rocket and submarine inventor who is serving a life sentence for the murder, preceded by rape, of the Swedish journalist Kim Wall. Is this a sham marriage? We don't know. In any case, this news has put an end to the constant rumours of Rasmus' homosexuality, as Rasmus is also the subject of a complaint from a children's rights NGO for exchanging sexual comments with people under 15.

Rasmus has two personal problems: his brain and his overweight.


In 2005, at the age of 23, he was in a car accident that resulted in a 25% loss of brain power and compromised his law studies. But he learned enough law to specialize in all kinds of complaints and lawsuits, whether against the author of a message that Hitler hadn't finished the job of ridding the world of "fags" or against his namesake Rasmus Padulan Malver for improper use of his "middle name" (Padulan) as a surname.


But he has lost more cases than he has won and has been convicted a respectable number of times for his hate speech against Muslims.

Rasmus has specialized in one particular activity: he publicly burns Korans, often after wrapping them in bacon or smearing them with pork fat, both in Denmark and in Sweden, under police protection, in the name of the sacrosanct right to freedom of expression. To do this, he created a start-up, which presents itself as a political party but is more of a one-man business: Stram Kurs or Hard Line. The company's philosophy is summed up in two Instagrammed words: "ethnonationalist and libertarian". In short, he is a 21st century crusader, who wants to cleanse Denmark of the Muslim spawn before it finally takes over at the end of the great replacement in progress.


Let's come to the second problem of our Viking Zemmour: his ideal weight would be 75 kilos. On January 31, 2022, he proudly announced on Instagram that he had lost 11.40 kg in one month, going from 119.50 to 108.10 kg. So he has only 33 kg more to lose. But for that, he would of course have to give up the Carlsberg and Tuborg beers and pork chops, in short, essential components of this Danishness, threatened with death by the Muslim hordes.

Rasmus is not the first plump lawyer to hit the Viking headlines. He has an illustrious predecessor from whom he draws much inspiration, adapting his methods to the conditions of post-modern communication. Mogens Glistrup (1926-2008) was a lawyer, a specialist in and a great defender of tax fraud and evasion, who created the Progress Party in 1972, which made a big splash the following year, becoming the second largest party in the Folketing, with 28 elected members.


Among his "reform" proposals, my favourite was the one to disband the Danish army and replace it with an answering machine with the message "We surrender" recorded in Russian. After his endless legal setbacks - he spent a few years in prison - his image gradually faded, and he spent the end of his career crusading against Muslim immigrants and asylum seekers.


The response to him was weak: In the 2001 elections, he received 0.6% of the vote. It must be said that the man had started to really go off the rails: in 1999 he proposed the capture of 6,000 Muslim girls between the ages of 12 and 20 and sell them, "for example to Paraguay" for 6 million crowns. A really creative way to replace the detestable taxes to be abolished!


Glistrup has disappeared, but some of his "proposals" against the great replacement have become part of official Danish policy and are making their way across Europe. For example, Boris Johnson's "innovative" solution to the problem of undocumented immigrants - deporting them to Rwanda - is directly inspired by the agreement reached last year by Mattias Tesfaye, the Danish Social Democratic Minister of Immigration, himself the son of an Ethiopian refugee, and the Rwandan government to outsource the internment and management of asylum seekers. This is not far from Glistrup's "Muslim sales" proposals.

Rasmus Paludan, like Mogens Glistrup, like [Italy’s] Beppe Grillo, like [France’s] Éric Zemmour, are only the heralds of disasters to come or already in progress. The method is always the same: provoke, provoke, provoke and the revolts of the groups targeted by your provocations will justify the message of your provocations.

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