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Pacte d'acier* Italie-Turquie : accords sur les migrants, la sécurité, la défense et Rome prête à intervenir aux côtés du sultan

Antonio Mazzzeo, Africa Express, 22/7/2022
Traduit par
Fausto Giudice, Tlaxcala

« Gardez-moi de mes amis », dit un vieil adage sicilien. Rome et Bruxelles devraient l’avoir en tête.

"Trucs turcs", par Portos - "Erdogan, un de ces dictateurs dont on a besoin" (Mario Draghi, avril 2021)

L'Italie se déclare prête à intervenir en mer Noire aux côtés de la Turquie et de l'OTAN tout en renforçant son partenariat militaro-industriel avec Ankara et en accordant les pleins pouvoirs à Erdogan en Libye, y compris contre les migrants.

S'exprimant le 14 juillet lors d'une audition devant les commissions conjointes des affaires étrangères et de la défense des deux chambres italiennes sur le renouvellement des missions militaires à l'étranger, le chef d'état-major des armées, l'amiral Giuseppe Cavo Dragone, a annoncé l'intention des forces armées de participer à des activités de déminage et de neutralisation de mines et de matières explosives en mer Noire.

Menace sous-marine

« Un bon dialogue avec la Turquie peut être un signe avant-coureur de synergies et de partage de cet effort » a déclaré Cavo Dragone. « La menace sous-marine existe et doit être traitée et l'Italie le fera en coordination avec les autres marines concernées ». L'objectif stratégique de l'axe Rome-Ankara et de l'OTAN est d'accroître la pression totale contre les unités navales et sous-marines de Moscou.

« La présence en Méditerranée de la flotte russe est marquée, plus marquée qu'avant, également parce qu'en vertu du traité de Montreux, la Turquie a fermé les détroits et ne les rend pas accessibles aux États belligérants, c'est-à-dire, en substance, à la Russie », a ajouté le chef d'état-major. « Cela ne permet pas une rotation, qui était souhaitable, des forces de la Fédération de Russie et ce goulot d'étranglement a également provoqué la présence que nous devons maintenant considérer comme probablement durable et endémique ».

Sommet intergouvernemental Italie-Turquie. Au premier plan, Lorenzo Guerini (ancien ministre de la Défense) avec le président turc Erdogan

On se bouscule à Ankara

Moins de dix jours avant la sortie de l'amiral, le pacte d'acier avec le régime d'Erdogan avait été consacré par l'importante équipe gouvernementale en mission officielle en Turquie. Étaient présents à la cour du dernier sultan d'Ankara le Premier ministre Mario Draghi et les ministres Lorenzo Guerini (défense), Luigi Di Maio (affaires étrangères), Luciana Lamorgese (intérieur), Giancarlo Giorgetti (développement économique) et Roberto Cingolani (transition écologique).

« Ce sommet intergouvernemental indique la volonté commune de renforcer la coopération : l'Italie et la Turquie sont des partenaires, des amis alliés », avait souligné le Premier ministre Draghi à l'issue de la rencontre avec le président Recep Tayyip Erdogan. De nombreux accords de coopération ont été signés, allant du développement industriel, culturel et de la recherche scientifique conjointe à - et surtout - la coopération diplomatico-militaire.

Le pape François, le pardon et le passé colonial

 Éditorial, quotidien La Jornada, Mexico, 26/7/2022
Traduit par
Fausto Giudice, Tlaxcala


« Je demande humblement pardon pour le mal commis par tant de chrétiens à l'encontre des peuples autochtones », a déclaré le pape François aux membres des Premières nations, des Métis et des Inuits lors d'un événement à Maskwacis, dans la province de l'Alberta, au Canada. Le lieu choisi pour la première rencontre du pontife avec les natifs sur le sol canadien est hautement symbolique car il s'agit de l'un des endroits où la politique d'assimilation forcée de ces peuples a été mise en pratique : de 1863 à 1998, les autorités canadiennes ont financé un programme dans le cadre duquel 150 000 enfants ont été arrachés à leur famille et placés dans des pensionnats où il leur était interdit de parler leur propre langue et où ils étaient contraints d'adopter les coutumes occidentales.

En 2015, quelques années après la fermeture de la dernière "école" de ce type, une Commission Vérité et Réconciliation a constaté que les enfants enlevés avaient souffert de malnutrition, de violences verbales et d'abus physiques et sexuels généralisés (selon les termes du Parlement canadien) de la part des directeurs et des enseignants. Les conditions dans ces instituts, gérés par des associations religieuses, étaient si déplorables qu'entre 3 200 et 6 000 enfants (selon les sources) sont morts des suites de mauvais traitements et de négligence. Le rapport de la commission avait déjà choqué la société canadienne, mais la demande de justice est devenue véhémente il y a un peu plus d'un an, lorsque des enterrements clandestins et des tombes anonymes contenant les restes de centaines d'enfants ont été découverts sur le terrain de trois centres résidentiels qui avaient été gérés par l'Église catholique.

Mis sous pression par ces révélations, François a reçu une délégation de peuples autochtones au Vatican en avril, et leur a exprimé son "indignation et sa honte" face à ces événements et a annoncé la visite qui a eu lieu ce dimanche. Il condamnait déjà à l'époque les méthodes de colonisation qui tentaient d'uniformiser les indigènes en les "extirpant de leur identité, de leur culture, en séparant les familles" et en induisant une homogénéisation au "nom du progrès et de la colonisation idéologique". Hier, en présence de victimes de ces centres, il a réitéré sa condamnation en présentant ses excuses "pour la manière dont de nombreux membres de l'Église et des communautés religieuses ont collaboré, également par indifférence, à ces projets de destruction culturelle et d'assimilation forcée", politiques qu'il a qualifiées de "néfastes pour les populations de ces terres".

L'attitude du pontife devrait servir d'exemple aux institutions et aux individus qui, aujourd'hui encore, tentent de relativiser, voire de nier, des vérités indéniables : que le processus de colonisation des puissances européennes et de leurs descendants sur le continent américain s'est traduit par un génocide physique, mais aussi culturel, systématique à l'encontre des peuples indigènes ; que les actes des colonisateurs ne méritent pas une qualification plus douce que celle de crimes contre l'humanité, et que c'est dans ces siècles de discrimination, d'exclusion, d'assujettissement et de privation de droits qu'il faut chercher des explications au retard dont souffrent les communautés indigènes dans divers domaines, de l'éducation aux finances.

Dans le même temps, l'accueil chaleureux réservé par les Premières nations, les Métis et les Inuits au leader catholique démontre que le passé ne peut être laissé derrière soi que lorsque les crimes perpétrés sont reconnus, que le repentir est exprimé et qu'une véritable volonté de réparer les dommages est manifestée.

Prétendre que les communautés historiquement lésées accordent leur pardon sans être passées par ce processus ne guérit pas les blessures et ne favorise pas la réconciliation, mais minimise de manière ignominieuse la douleur des groupes subjugués, disculpe les responsables et ouvre la porte à la répétition des oppressions.

“I was never afraid of the big shots”: A conversation with German lawyer Friedrich Wolff

On the defense of old Nazis, the leadership of the FRG and the tribunal against Erich Honecker.

Frank Schumann, junge Welt, 23/7/2022
Translated by John Catalinotto

You will be 100 years old on July 30. Congratulations on this rare anniversary!

Please don’t congratulate me before it happens.

What has always fascinated me about you is your humor - detached, self-deprecating, ambiguous wit.

Conditions in the world are sad enough. You don’t change them by lamenting them or reacting depressively. Or, as Marx says, by putting one’s face into the prescribed creases. No, that was never my thing. One must try to stand above things, otherwise one sinks with one’s nose in every muck.

But this is not from Marx, seems to me to be from Luxemburg.

When she is right, she is right.

I see at present only noses in the muck.

There I will not contradict you.


I don’t know. Well, I can remember phases when I was very emotional.

When, for example?

In the spring of 1960, when I defended Theodor Oberländer, the Federal Minister for Displaced Persons. The Supreme Court of the German Democratic Republic had indicted him for his involvement in war crimes.

As a first lieutenant, Oberländer had been involved in negotiations with the Ukrainian nationalists under Stepan Bandera on behalf of the High Command of the Wehrmacht in 1941. He was in the “Nightingale Battalion” ...

…consisting of Ukrainian nationalists who had become prisoners of war, and which was under the control of the fascist secret service.

Oberländer was the liaison officer for the “Abwehr [military intelligence service] .”  The unit entered Lviv even before the Wehrmacht and, together with Ukrainian collaborators, massacred “Jewish Bolsheviks.” The exact number of victims could never be determined, but it was in the thousands. So the charge was generally: “for murder.” And I was assigned to the accused “as a public defender.”

So the socialist was supposed to defend a Nazi?!

Even for a suspected war criminal, the presumption of innocence applies first. Every defendant must be treated fairly in court, even if he himself did not act legally. I know that this is sometimes difficult to understand, especially when the facts are conclusive.

Did the Nazi federal minister appear at the court hearing in Berlin?

No, the trial was held in absentia. Together with my Erfurt colleague Gerhard Rinck, I had tried to contact our client beforehand. But our letter came back from Bonn after it had been opened and resealed there. The envelope bore the handwritten note: “Acceptance subsequently refused. Caretaker has no power of attorney for Federal Minister for Displaced Persons, Refugees and War-Affected Persons.”

You said earlier that you had been emotional. Because of the prominence of the client? Because of the international attention?

Well, I was never afraid of big shots. It was the trial as such. Never before had a West German former Nazi, especially one with government responsibility, been indicted by a GDR court for his war crimes. The trial was not only aimed at the specific person, but at the political leadership of the Federal Republic of Germany as a whole. The trial had great symbolic significance.

In the West, people still speak of a “show trial” today.

Of course it was a show trial. The GDR thus proved the continuity of the Nazi dictatorship in the West German state, the ally of the USA and its anti-communist bulwark against the East. So the scope of defense was limited.

 Nevertheless, we defense lawyers declared that the Supreme Court had no jurisdiction. First, the acts had not been committed on our territory; second, the criminal law of the GDR had not applied to Oberländer when he committed the acts. And thirdly, Oberländer was protected by the immunity of the German Bundestag. 

The application was rejected. On April 29, 1960, Oberländer was sentenced to life in prison for the shooting of several thousand Jews and Poles in Lemberg. This did not even take into account the murderous acts he later committed with the German-Caucasian “Sonderverband Bergmann” in the Soviet Union.

Oberländer probably did not spend a day in jail.

No, but he had to resign six days later,although he remained politically active. In 1981, for example, he was one of the co-signers of a “Heidelberg Manifesto” that spoke out against the “infiltration of the German people” and the “alienation” of the German language and culture.

Let me guess: Oberländer was rehabilitated after 1990?


Le problème de l'Agence juive en Russie a commencé bien avant la guerre en Ukraine

Anshel Pfeffer, Haaretz, 25/7/2022
Traduit par
Fausto Giudice, Tlaxcala

Un président, Isaac Herzog, doit certainement porter une part de responsabilité dans l'expulsion potentielle de l'Agence de Moscou. La question est de savoir si un autre président, Vladimir Poutine, a été impliqué dans cette affaire.

Sur cette photo du 6 décembre 2012, un employé de l'usine de porcs Mizra pose avec une tête de porc dans un entrepôt réfrigéré du kibboutz Mizra, dans le nord d'Israël. La communauté d'immigrés de l'ex-URSS, forte d'un million de personnes, a augmenté la demande des clients pour le porc, un aliment non casher rarement consommé par les Juifs israéliens. Photo Oded Balilty/AP

Les médias israéliens se sont empressés de présenter la décision du gouvernement russe de fermer les opérations de l'Agence juive sur son territoire comme des représailles au soutien apporté par Israël à l'Ukraine. Cette interprétation pose un certain nombre de problèmes.

Premièrement, le soutien d'Israël à l'Ukraine a été au mieux tiède. Israël a refusé toutes les demandes ukrainiennes d'armes, interdisant même aux autres pays de lui fournir leurs propres armes de conception israélienne. Israël ne s'est pas non plus associé aux sanctions occidentales contre la Russie et n'a pas non plus, à quelques exceptions près, critiqué l'invasion de la Russie et ses crimes de guerre en Ukraine.

En outre, les problèmes de l'Agence juive avec la bureaucratie russe ont commencé bien avant l'invasion, il y a cinq mois, et il n'y a aucune raison de supposer qu'elle fait l'objet d'un traitement plus sévère que la plupart des organisations étrangères qui ont été soit fermées, soit sérieusement entravées dans leurs opérations en Russie.

En fait, l'Agence a eu la vie plus facile que la plupart des autres organismes étrangers. Il n'est guère surprenant que la Russie de Vladimir Poutine ne voie pas d’un bon œil toute organisation encourageant les citoyens russes à émigrer.

Dans le dédale des lois et règlements russes, et leur application inégale par les autorités, l'Agence a toujours eu la possibilité de se mettre à dos les fonctionnaires à différents niveaux. En fait, ces choses se sont produites plus d'une fois dans le passé, mais elles ont toujours été résolues discrètement en coulisses. Dans le cas présent, les choses ont échappé à tout contrôle et se sont aggravées en grande partie à cause de l'absence d'une direction professionnelle à l'Agence.


The truth about corruption, poverty, prostitution, surrogate motherhood, land grabbing and exploitation in Ukraine

 Werner Rügemer, Nachdenkseiten, 21/7/2022
Translated by Lena Bloch

Ukraine is corrupt — we know, doesn’t matter, it’s for the good cause. But the poorest and sickest population, country as a hub of Europe-wide low-wage and cigarette smuggling, world leader in trafficking of the female body — and more soldiers than any European NATO state.

When a statutory minimum wage was first introduced in Ukraine, in 2015, it was 0.34 euros, or 34 cents per hour. After that, it was increased: in 2017 it was 68 cents, in 2019 it was 10 cents more, which is still 78 cents, and since 2021 it has been 1.21 euros. Ever heard of it?

 Even this lowest wage is not always paid

Of course, this doesn’t mean that this minimum wage is actually paid correctly in this state. Thus, for a full work week in 2017, the monthly minimum wage was 96 euros. But in the textile and leather industry, for example, this minimum wage for one-third of the mostly female workforce only came about through forced and not specifically paid overtime. Payment by the piece is also widespread — a certain number of shirts must be sewn in one hour; if this does not work out, unpaid reworking is required.

If there were no orders, unpaid leave was ordered. In many cases, the annual vacation due by law was not granted or not paid. Management prevented the election of employee representatives. With this minimum wage, people were far below the official subsistence level: It amounted to 166 euros in the year in question.

The Hunger Wage Chain from Ukraine to Neighboring EU Countries

There are about 2,800 officially registered textile companies, but also a presumably equally high number of unregistered small businesses. For decades, they have formed a normal shadow economy, often in small towns and villages.

Yet most of these companies rank only as second-class suppliers for the internationally better-connected low-cost producers in neighboring EU countries, especially in Poland, but also in Romania and Hungary.

Thus 41 percent of the shoes go as starvation-wage semi-finished goods from Ukraine first to the low-wage factories of Romania, Hungary and Italy: There they get the benign and beautiful label “Made in EU”.

 Textile workers themselves can only afford second-hand imports from Germany

The majority of the approximately 220,000 textile workers are older women. They keep their heads above water only by subsistence farming, for example by having their own garden with a chicken coop. Diseases due to malnutrition are common.

The textile workers mostly buy their own clothes from second-hand imports, which come mainly from Germany, Poland, Belgium, Switzerland and the USA. Ukraine imports much more textiles than it exports.

The expensive Boss and Esprit imports from the rich EU West, which are pre-produced in Ukraine, are destined for the rich elite and the NGO bubble in Kiev — while the majority of imports are the cheapest second-hand textiles. The textile workers, as well as the majority of the population, can only afford the almost free disposable textiles from the rich states.[1]

But Western unions and “human rights activists” still look to Asia and Bangladesh for low-wage jobs in the textile industry that violate human rights. Although low wages in Ukraine are much lower. Also in the current discussions in the EU and in the German Bundestag about a supply chain law: There the view goes far out, globally, to Asia, while the EU-Ukrainian poverty chain is denied.

Here it sits, the corruption: C&A, Hugo Boss, Adidas, Marks&Spencer, New Balance, Esprit, Zara, Mexx are the profiting end users. They live from the exploitation which is against human rights. Here in the rich EU states sit the main players of corruption. Clammily they gleefully welcome the non-existent or complicit labor inspectorate of the Ukrainian state, and the EU covers the systemic labor injustice as well, with ritual hypocritical and inconsequential admonition of corruption in Ukraine.[2]

Automotive suppliers, pharmaceuticals, mechanical engineering

The textile and leather industries are similar to other sectors. Ukraine was a focal point of industrial production in the Soviet Union. After independence in 1991, oligarchs took over the companies, made profits, and put nothing into innovation. For Western companies, millions of well-qualified employees were available — at low wages.

Thousands of companies, mainly from the USA and EU countries — about 2,000 from Germany alone — placed subcontracting orders for rather simple parts: Porsche, VW, BMW, Schaeffler, Bosch and Leoni, for example, for car cables; pharmaceutical groups such as Bayer, BASF, Henkel, Ratiopharm and Wella have their products filled and packaged; Arcelor Mittal, Siemens, Demag, Vaillant, Viessmann maintain assembly and sales branches. Wages of two to three euros are paid here, i.e. more than the minimum wage, but still lower than in the neighboring EU countries of Hungary, Poland and Romania.

This is why the Ukrainian sites are closely networked with the sites of the same companies in these neighboring EU countries, where the statutory minimum wages are above 3 euros and below 4 euros. However, the networking is just as valid with the even poorer neighboring states of Moldova, Georgia and Armenia, which are not EU members. Branches are also operated here. In the course of the “Eastern Neighborhood”, organized by the EU, all differences of qualification, even lower payment are exploited — with Ukraine as a revolving door.

Labor migration in millions

This selective exploitation of locational advantages by Western capitalists has not led to national economic development, on the contrary. Ukraine became economically impoverished. The majority of the population has been made poorer and sicker. A mass reaction is labor migration.

It began early on. By the late 1990s, several hundred thousand Ukrainians had emigrated to Russia. Wages were not much higher, but in Russia excessive Westernization of lifestyles and increases in the cost of living for food, rent, health and government fees do not stick.

Since the 2000s, and accelerated by the aftermath of the 2014 Maidan coup, some 5 million Ukrainians have been migrant workers — about two million more or less permanently abroad, and about three million commuting to neighboring states. In particular, the Polish state, which in any case lays claim to western parts of Ukraine, encourages labor migration from Ukraine. About two million Ukrainians are employed in Poland, mainly in low-skilled jobs as cleaners, domestic helpers, waiters, caretakers for the elderly, and truck drivers. [3] In Poland, the business of employment agencies is also flourishing: they declare Ukrainians to be Polish citizens and place them as home care workers in Germany and Switzerland, for example: they pay the minimum wage there for a 40-hour week, but in reality the care workers have to be on call 24 hours a day, according to the contract with the Polish agency.

Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians are also employed on a permanent basis, on a temporary basis or shuttling back and forth in Romania, Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic, with minimum wages between 3.10 euros and 3.76 euros. Ukrainians are happy about this, even if they are pushed a bit below these minimum wages — it is still much better than in their home country, and the labor inspectorate says nothing and the EU says nothing either.

Students from Ukraine like to be engaged seasonal workers in EU agriculture. In Lower Saxony alone, there are about 7,000 students annually, who admittedly do not necessarily study, but enter with forged matriculation papers. Neither in Ukraine nor in Germany is there any control, as a study by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation found.[4]

Minimum wage in Lithuania: in 2015 it was 1.82 euros, five times higher than in Ukraine at the time; in 2020 it was 3.72 euros. The EU is promoting the development of Lithuania into a European freight forwarding center: with the help of artificial intelligence, cheap and willing truck drivers from third countries such as Ukraine and Moldova, but also from further afield such as the Philippines, are steered across Europe. They don’t need to learn any language; they receive their instructions via smartphone and navigator. For example, with the start of the war in Ukraine, trucking companies in Lithuania and Poland were suddenly short of over 100,000 truck drivers — from Ukraine, they were not allowed to leave because of military service.[5]

Women’s Poverty I: Forbidden Prostitution Flourishes

The patriarchal oligarch state of Ukraine has extremely deepened the inequality between men and women. With a 32 percent gender pay gap, Ukrainian women are in the very last place in Europe: on average, they receive one-third less pay than their male counterparts, and in the field of finance and insurance the figure is as high as 40 percent for the same work[6] — the EU average is 14 percent. Because of patriarchal stereotypes, women are also particularly often pushed into precarious part-time jobs, even more so than in Merkel’s Germany, which ranks second to last among EU countries in terms of discrimination against women.

This patriarchal poverty of women includes the prohibition of prostitution, which, however, particularly flourishes under these very conditions. Primary school teachers, who cannot get by on their 120 euros a month, are also among the estimated 180,000 women who work as prostitutes in Ukraine, divorced single women with children, the unemployed.

Because prostitution is forbidden, brothel operators earn money, as do police officers and cab drivers, because they have a good income through silence. Private apartments are also used, like the brothels in prime locations in the capital Kiev. Tourists are lured in — with 80 euros they are in. Eight services per night — not uncommon. A little less than half of the income remains with the women. Some hope for a transitional period of one, two or even three years. Often in vain. One-third become drug addicts, one-third are HIV-positive.[7]

After the “liberalization” of sexual services by the federal government of Schröder/SPD and Fischer/Greens, Germany became the “brothel of Europe”. The federally owned development agency GTZ advertised in its “Germany Travel Guide for Women” for Ukrainian women who now had good prospects in the sex business. Many came. Merkel’s Germany became the European center for commercial prostitution, the majority of which was also illegal and tolerated by the authorities — favorable conditions for women who did not come from an EU member state. So it stands to reason that pimps are now trying to recruit fleeing Ukrainian women already at the border in 2022.[8]

 Women’s Poverty II: The Female Body as Exploitation Material

Ukraine is a pleasing location for Western companies to engage in practices that are otherwise forbidden, a thousandfold site for U.S.-led globalization. This is also true for the commercial use of the female body, far beyond illegal prostitution.

Ukraine is the global hot spot for industrial surrogacy, with more extensive “liberalization” than otherwise. Widespread female poverty provides an inexhaustible reservoir.

Vittoria Vita, La Vita Nova, Delivering Dreams or more prosaically BioTech — these are the names under which surrogacy agencies in Kiev and Kharkiv advertise their services and their women. Pretty, healthy Ukrainian women are offered in catalogs for wealthy foreigners. Between 39,900 and 64,900 euros are the prices for a healthy delivered baby. The wish child tourists come from the USA, Canada, Western Europe, and China.[9].

The intended parents couple delivers egg and sperm in one of the dozens of special clinics. They are fertilized in a test tube. Then the foreign embryo is implanted in the surrogate mother. The surrogate mother carries a genetically foreign child. This was developed in the USA, but it is much more expensive there: between 110,000 and 240,000 euros. In Ukraine it is less regulated. The woman carrying the child must not have anything to do genetically with the child, she is just a foreign tool that is to be forgotten immediately after use, no longer exists at all — and is ready for the next use for a completely different foreign couple.

The prices differ depending on whether the intended parents want a specific gender for their ordered baby or not: without a choice of gender, it costs 39,900 euros at BioTech, with two attempts at the desired gender it costs 49,900 euros, and with unlimited attempts it costs 64,900 euros. These offers include hotel accommodation, issuance of birth certificate and passport in the German consulate. So far, more than 10,000 such babies have been delivered worldwide.

The surrogate mother — a surrogate mother company bears the appropriate name: Surrogacy Ukraine — receives a monthly bonus of between 300 and 400 euros during pregnancy; after successful delivery of the product, the bonus is increased to 15,000 euros. If there is a miscarriage, the child is disabled or its adoption is refused, the surrogate mothers get nothing. Their psychological condition is not taken into account, and there is no social security against damage to their health. There are no studies on the long-term consequences.

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Allez Israël, encore un effort pour devenir un pays normal !

Gideon Levy, Haaretz, 24/7/2022
Traduit par
Fausto Giudice, Tlaxcala

Le ministère russe de la Justice a demandé la liquidation de la branche russe de l'Agence juive pour Israël [ha-Sokhnut ha-Yehudit le-Eretz-Israel], une organisation à but non lucratif qui promeut l'immigration en Israël, selon un tribunal de Moscou. Le site Internet du tribunal de district de Basmanny indique que le ministère a déposé la demande le 15 juillet et qu'elle sera examinée le 28 juillet. Voici le commentaire de Gideon Levy sur ce sujet -Tlaxcala

Être un pays normal : ça aussi, c’est une option. Nous pourrions commencer, par exemple, par une politique d'immigration normale, comme il est d'usage dans tout pays normal. Les critiques à l'encontre du président russe Vladimir Poutine pour son intention de mettre un terme aux activités subversives d'Israël contre son pays - intentions qui sont incommensurablement justifiées - montrent que le chemin vers la normalité est encore long et ardu. Tant qu'Israël conservera la mentalité selon laquelle "tout nous est permis" et "nous ne sommes pas comme les autres pays", le chemin vers la normalité sera infiniment plus long.

Et voici une autre preuve qu'il n'y a pas de différence entre un gouvernement israélien et le suivant : une question qui est intouchable quel que soit le gouvernement au pouvoir est le caractère sacré de la politique d'immigration d'Israël. Et si l'on accorde à la Loi du retour la primauté parmi les lois, la politique d'immigration est la dernière des questions qui serait débattue.

En cherchant à mettre un terme aux opérations de l'Agence juive pour Israël dans son pays, Poutine a cherché à mettre un terme à l'intervention d'un pays étranger dans les affaires intérieures de la Russie. Il n'est pas difficile de deviner ce qui se serait passé si Varsovie avait ouvertement tenté d'envoyer des émissaires de l'establishment polonais en Israël pour encourager les anciens Juifs polonais et leurs descendants à retourner en Pologne. Mais lorsqu'il s'agit des efforts d'Israël, tout va bien.

Il est clair que Poutine devra revenir sur sa demande, car l'establishment juif est plus fort, mais nous n'avons pas besoin de Poutine pour demander non seulement de quel droit mais aussi dans quel but Israël poursuit ses activités là-bas. Pourquoi Israël doit-il s'ingérer dans d'autres pays pour tenter de recruter, d'amadouer, de soudoyer ou de convaincre des Juifs, des demi-Juifs ou des quarts de Juifs d'immigrer ici ?

Quel est le but de tout ce réseau hypertrophié d'émissaires dans le monde ? À quoi servent tous ces ridicules programmes Birthright et Masa alors qu'il est clair qu'il n'y a plus de place ici ?


Appel international de soutien au peuple du Sri Lanka !

 Nous sommes, militants, travailleurs, travailleuses, étudiants, intellectuels, artistes, internationalistes qui vivons en France et dans divers pays du monde du fait de conditions sociales ou politiques.

Nous apportons notre salut à la première victoire remportée par le peuple au pays.

Nous saluons les grèves générales (Hartal) du 28 d’avril et du 9 mai à l’appel de toutes les organisations syndicales.

Nous saluons la mobilisation du peuple du 9 juillet qui, à Colombo, dans l’unité des Cinghalais, Tamouls, musulmans et de toutes confessions et ethnies, a fait fuir le président, et a contraint à la démission le Premier ministre.

Le peuple s’est soulevé parce qu’il n’en pouvait plus, parce qu’il veut pouvoir manger, disposer d’électricité, avoir des médicaments, de l’essence. 

Nous avons entendu les slogans : « Soixante-quatorze ans, ça suffit ! » « Assez des divisions ! » « Pouvoir au peuple ! » lancés dans les manifestations.

Oui, le peuple a raison. Le président est parti. Toutes les institutions dont il était le cœur doivent partir avec lui. Le président intérimaire, ne dispose d’aucun mandat pour appeler l’armée à réprimer le peuple. Nous condamnons fermement ses propos selon lesquels les manifestants seraient des fascistes. Nous le mettons en garde : toute tentative de répression du peuple dans un bain de sang provoquera des mobilisations massives dans toutes les capitales du monde jusqu’à la victoire totale du peuple sri lankais. 

Tous les prisonniers politiques doivent être amnistiés et les forces de l’ordre et militaires qui ont refusé de tirer sur le peuple doivent être réintégrées avec tous les compensations. 

Il y a soixante-quatorze ans, la question de la Constituante était posée. Elle l’est à nouveau aujourd’hui. Le peuple a été capable de chasser les corrompus au pouvoir. Il a les capacités de diriger le pays.

International appeal of support for the people of Sri Lanka!

We are activists, workers, students, intellectuals, artists and internationalists who live in France and in various countries of the world due to economic, social or political conditions.

We salute the first victory won by the people at home.

We salute the general strikes (haartal) on 28 April and on 9 May called by all the trade union organisations.

We salute the mobilisation on 9 July of the people in Colombo who, on a united basis between Sinhalese, Tamils, Muslims and all faiths and ethnicities, drove away the President and forced the Prime Minister to resign.

The people rose up because they couldn’t stand it any longer, because they want to be able to eat, to have electricity in their homes, to be able to obtain medicines and petrol. 

We heard the slogans in the demonstrations: "Seventy-four years is enough! "Enough of the divisions! "Power to the people!"

Yes, the people are right. The President has left. All the institutions of which he was the heart must go with him. The interim President has no mandate to call on the army to repress the people. We firmly condemn comments saying that “the protestors are fascists”. We warn him that any attempt to repress the people in a bloodbath will provoke massive mobilisations in all capitals of the world until the Sri Lankan people have achieved total victory. 

All political prisoners must be amnestied. The members of the law enforcement agencies and the military who refused to fire on the people must be reinstated with full compensation. 

Seventy-four years ago, the question of the Constituent assembly was raised. It is being raised again today. The people were able to drive the corrupt out of power. They have the capacity to run the country.

ලාංකීය ජනතා අරගලයේ පුර්ණ විප්ලවීය ජයග්‍රහණයක් සඳහා වූ ජාත්‍යන්තර ප්‍රකාශණය !

අප, ප්‍රංශයේ හා ලෝකය පුරා ජිවත්වන කම්කරුවන්, පක්‍ෂ සාමාජිකයින්, වුර්තිය සමිති සාමාජිකයින්, මානවවාදීන්, මානව අයිතිවාසිකම් ක්‍රියාකාරිකයින්, බුද්ධිමතුන්, හා ජාත්‍යන්තරවාදීන් ලෙස ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ සිදුවූ එයතිහාසික ජනතා අරගලයේ පළමු ජයග්‍රහණය වෙනුවෙන් අපගේ විප්ලවීය ආචාරය මෙසේ පල කර සිටින්නෙමු.

පසුගිය අප්‍රියෙල් මාසයේ සිට ගෝල්ෆේස් පිටියේ සිට ආරම්හ වූ තරුණ හා ශිෂ්‍ය අරගලය හා මැයි 9 දා රට පුරා හඹා ගිය හර්තාල් ව්‍යාපාර, ජුලි 9 වැනිදා කොළඹ දී සිදුවූ ජනතා නැගිටීම් මගින් ආශ්වාදය ලැබුවෙමු.
ශ්‍රී ලංකා ඉතිහාසයේ ප්‍රථම වතාවට සිංහල, දෙමල, මුස්ලිම් හා අනෙකුත් ජනවර්ග වලට අයත් සියලු ජනතාව එක පෙරමුණකට පැමිණ එල්ල කල සාමකාමී ප්‍රහාරය මගින් දුෂිත ජනාධිපති හා ඔහුගේ සොයුරු අගමැති එළවා දැමීමට සමත් වී තිබේ. ඔවුන් මේ වන විට ඉල්ලා සිටිනුයේ මේ දක්වා රාජපක්ෂ කල්ලියට බලයේ සිටීම සඳහා ආධාර කල වර්තමාන වැඩබලන රනිල් වික්‍රමසිංහ අගමැතිවරයාටද බලයෙන් ඉවත් වන ලෙසය.
එය නිවැරිදි තීන්දුවක් ලෙස අප විසින් පිලිගනු ලබන අතර ලාංකීය ජනතාව නැගී සිටිනු ලැබුවේ දීර්ඝ කාලින ලෙස ඔවුන් පීඩාවිඳි අකාරක්‍ෂම රාජ්‍ය පාලනය, දුෂණය, විසින් ඇති කරනු ලැබු ආර්ථික අර්බුධයට එරෙහිව වේ.
මෙම අරගලය තුල ජනතාව ඉල්ලා සිටිනු ලැබුවේ වසර 74ක් පුරා ඔවුන්ව පීඩාවට පත්කල ඒකාධිපති පාලනය අහෝසි කරන ලෙසයි. තවදුරටත් ජාතිය, සම්භවය, ආගම, කතා කරන භාෂාව ඔස්සේ ඔවුන්ව නොබෙදා ගැටුම් ඇති නොකරන ලෙසයි.

ජනතාව විසින්, ජනතාව මගින් පාලනය වන, ජනතාව වෙනුවෙන් වූ පාලන ක්‍රමයක් රටේ ස්ථාපිත කරන ලෙසයි".

එහි ප්‍රථිපලයක් ලෙස ජනාධිපතිවරයාට රටින් පලායාමට සිදු විය. අනුව අපගේ යෝජනාව වනුයේ ජනාධිපතිවරයා පමණක් නොව සමග ඔහුව ආරක්ෂා කල සියළු ප්‍රජාතන්ත්‍ර විරෝධී ආයතන විසුරුවා හරින ලෙසයි. අනුව මේ වන විට ව්‍යවස්ථා කුමන්ත්‍රණයක් මගින් බලය පැහැර ගනිමින් සිටින නව වැඩබලන ජනාධිපති වරායටද එම තනතුරේ රැඳී සිටීමට කිසිදු නීතිමය සදා චාරයක් නොමැත. ඔහු විසින් අරගල කරුවන් ෆැසිස්ට් වාදීන් ලෙස හඳුන්වා දෙමින් ඔවුන් මර්දනය කිරීම සඳහා හමුදාවට අණදීම ඉතා පිළිකුල්ව හෙලා දකින්නෙමු.

ජනතා මතයට හිස නොනමා තනතුරේ රැඳී සිටිමින් සාමකාමී ජනතාව මර්දනයට උත්සහ කලහොත් ලාංකීය ජනතාව අරගලයේ පුර්ණ විප්ලවීය ජයග්‍රහණයක් වෙනුවෙන් ලොව පුරා රටවල අගනුවරයන්හි උද්ඝෝෂණ හා විරෝධතා සංවිධාන කිරීමට අප කිසිසේත් නොපැලිකෙන බව අප ඔහුට මතක් කර දෙන්නෙමු.

අනුව වහාම අරගලය ආරම්හයේ සිට මේ දක්වා අත්අඩංගුවට ගත් සියළුම දේශපාලන ක්‍රියාධාරීන් හා දේශපාලන සිර කරුවන් නිදහස් කල යුතුව ඇත. ජනතාවට වෙඩි තැබීම ප්‍රතික්‍ෂේප කල හමුදා නිලධාරීන්ට පැනවූ දඬුවම් අහෝසි කර චේතන සහිතව ඔවුන්ව නැවත සේවයට අනුයුක්ත කල යුතුව ඇත.

ජනතාවට වෙඩි තැබීම ප්‍රතික්‍ෂේප කල හමුදා හා පොලිස් නිලධාරීන්ට අපගේ ප්‍රණාමය පුදකරන අතර වැඩ බලන ජනාධිපතිවරයාගේ ජනතා මර්දන සැලසුම් වලට හා ජනතාව සමග කෙටවීමේ උගුල් වලට අසු නොවන ලෙසද අප ලාංකීය ජනතාවගෙන් හා හමුදාවෙන් ඉල්ලා සිටිමු.