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“We need to tidy up the house”: Esther Cuesta, candidate for Europe, Asia and Oceania to the Ecuadorian National Assembly

 María Piedad Ossaba and Fausto Giudice, 15/8/2023

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Esther Cuesta Santana (Guayaquil, 1975) is a candidate of La Revolución Ciudadana [The Citizens' Revolution] to the National Assembly for Europe, Asia and Oceania in the Ecuadorian elections of August 20, 2023. Esther was a MP from 2017 to 2021 and from 2021 until the dissolution of Congress on May 17, 2023, and also consul general of Ecuador in Genoa (Italy). Here is an interview we did with her, focused on her main area of interest, Ecuadorian emigration worldwide (ca. 3 million).

Tell us about the Human Mobility Law and how it favors the Ecuadorian diaspora. What is the work currently being carried out by the Ecuadorian consulates abroad?

The Human Mobility Law came into force during the period of the Citizens’ Revolution. On February 6, 2017, the Organic Law of Human Mobility was published in Official Gazette No. 938 with the objective of regulating the exercise of rights, obligations, institutionality and mechanisms linked to persons in human mobility, which includes emigrants, immigrants, persons in transit, Ecuadorian returnees, those who require international protection, victims of human trafficking crimes and smuggling of migrants and their families. The law develops the principles of universal citizenship, the right to migrate and Latin American integration.

Despite the fact that the Law contains the recognition of guarantees and protection of rights, in the last 6 years with the governments of Moreno and Lasso, they destroyed the policies for the protection of the rights of people in human mobility. They tripled the costs of consular services, closed consulates and embassies, eliminated services such as free legal advice, reduced the budget and staff in consulates that should serve our migrant compatriots. The consulates do not have appointments available for consular procedures and the procedures can take up to months. Today obtaining a passport in Ecuador and abroad is an odyssey and we have returned to the times of the middlemen who charge up to 400 dollars for a passport!

From the Parliamentary Group for the Rights of Persons in Human Mobility of the National Assembly, of which I had the honor to be President, we evaluated the Organic Law of Human Mobility to verify the application of this law in order to identify the limitations and scope of this legal body for the real exercise of the human rights of Ecuadorians abroad, Ecuadorian returnees, immigrants and refugees who require international protection, victims of human trafficking or smuggling. That is, if the government and state institutions applied the law.

In this evaluation, we have seen evidence of the state's neglect to guarantee the rights of people in human mobility.

But with presidential candidate Luisa González we will once again have a Foreign Ministry at the service of migrants with highly efficient consulates oriented to the service of our compatriots. Consulates with flexible schedules that adapt to the needs of migrants, including service on Saturdays. We will again have mobile consulates to get even closer to our community in different regions, to bring the government closer to the citizen.

How has the deinstitutionalization of Ecuador during the governments of Lenín Moreno and Guillermo Lasso affected Ecuador's diplomatic life in terms of the role of embassies and consular systems?

At this moment Ecuador is going through a critical moment. We are experiencing a crisis of insecurity, unemployment, lack of access to free quality education, lack of access to quality public health and we are experiencing a new wave of migration in more dangerous conditions. Deinstitutionalization of consular services, reduced budget for policies to protect the rights of people in human mobility, tripled the costs of consular services, closed consulates and embassies and in the last 6 years, governments have used diplomacy to pay favors to the media, notaries and partners of the president of the Republic, putting people who have never had a vocation of service, they have only been interested in their private business and hide their money in tax havens.

But with these elections, we have the opportunity to be part of the resurgence of the motherland and get out of the catastrophe we are living, by voting for List 5, for Luisa and Andres.

We need to tidy up the house.

We need a government that guarantees rights, which is its obligation. We need to get out of underdevelopment with the most capable people, with experience, social conscience and humanity, and such are Luisa and Andres. We need people who know the State and public administration, who start working from day 1, not who come to learn what a ministry is.

Ecuadorian migrants are aware that, during the government of the Citizens’ Revolution, we had a government that protected and defended our rights abroad and those of our families inside and outside the country. The government of Rafael Correa was the first government that guaranteed our rights, that created plans and programs for our return, if we so decided, that implemented a plan for repatriation of mortal remains, which is a right of us migrants, that transformed the consulates to meet the needs of our migrant community, and provide consular services of quality and warmth, we implemented a program of free legal and psychological counseling in Spain for compatriots affected by mortgages, and in Italy, a multidisciplinary program that provided free counseling, sponsorship and legal defense, psychological assistance and social work to families, mainly to mothers who lost custody or guardianship of their minor children. All of this has been dismantled. Migrants will vote with memory, with conscience, with hope because we know that with the Citizens’ Revolution the consulates and embassies will return to the service of migrants who each year send to the country more than 4.7 billion dollars in remittances and contribute to the economy and strengthen dollarization while bankers like Lasso hide their money in tax havens. Therefore, this August 20, Ecuadorians abroad will demonstrate the strength we have.

How does the consular situation in Ecuador affect the electoral process on August 20 for migrants abroad?

The National Electoral Council has implemented the 2023 Telematic Voting Abroad modality for Ecuadorians who are registered abroad. 

The process consists of two phases: registration and voting. Although this is a great advantage for Ecuadorians, the Foreign Ministry is not adequately disseminating the registration process for Ecuadorians living abroad to register and vote abroad, in compliance with the law. 

The consulates have the obligation to promote the registration of Ecuadorians living abroad to vote telematically and promote their participation in this electoral process that will define what kind of country we want, one of death, violence and poverty or one that protects life, that guarantees rights, as will be the government of Luisa Gonzalez.

Consulates and embassies should provide clear and accurate information about the electoral processes, with informative material, voting guides and access to online resources, mobile brigades and mobile consulates so that migrants can exercise their constitutional right to vote.

Consulates must send mass messages to Ecuadorians about the telematic voting registration process. This can be via SMS, email, radio spots, advertising spots and providing information at consular offices where citizens carry out procedures every day.

This is not happening, but Ecuadorians abroad are organizing themselves with citizen brigades and registration support for telematic voting in the absence of the Ecuadorian State abroad.

How do you evaluate the role of Ecuadorian emigration in national life, from an economic, political and socio-cultural point of view?

1.  Economic:

We have contributed significantly to the national economy through remittances. More than US$4.7 billion in 2022, which represents close to 4% of the gross domestic product and an amount greater than the total amount that Ecuador receives as foreign direct investment.

During the government of the Citizens’ Revolution, due to political stability, economic growth and security, many migrants and returned migrants invested in Ecuador in businesses and enterprises, which generated employment and contributed to the growth of our economy, strengthening dollarization.

Migrants acquire multiple skills and experiences in the countries of migratory destination, and upon returning to Ecuador, we contribute with technical and professional knowledge that benefits the economy and various productive sectors.

2. Political:

The Ecuadorian diaspora participates in electoral processes. This August 20, we will exercise our right through telematic voting, without considering the digital gap that exists in our community, discriminating against the elderly and people with disabilities. This will obviously affect the political participation of migrants and the electoral results.  Ecuador is one of the few countries in the world in which migrants have parliamentary representation, with 6 legislators representing 3 constituencies abroad: 1) two for Europe, Asia and Oceania, 2) two for the United States and Canada and 3) two for Latin America, the Caribbean and Africa.

3. Sociocultural:

Migration contributes to cultural diversity and the exchange of ideas between different countries and regions of the world. Migrants acquire new perspectives, experiences and knowledge that enrich the societies of origin and destination. Our compatriots abroad participate in numerous associations, collectives and cultural groups that make an important contribution to the dissemination of the diversity of Ecuadorian culture and cuisine, our languages, music, dance, and ancestral traditions and in the social, cultural and political life in the countries of residence.

What is your analysis of the murder of Fernando Villavicencio, its significance and possible consequences?

I stand in solidarity with the family of candidate Fernando Villavicencio and with those injured in this terrible incident.

It is important to emphasize that this is not just any election, we are risking our lives, here there are people who improvised themselves as candidates for the presidency of the republic, the country is no longer in a position to improvise.

Ecuador is going through a critical moment. We are facing an insecurity crisis. We are being killed every day, and we need urgent answers, with capable people like Luisa González.

Mrs. Patricia Villavicencio, sister of Fernando Villavicencio, publicly assured that the death of the presidential aspirant was the result of a plot in which the government of President Guillermo Lasso, who did not offer him security guarantees despite the threats against his physical integrity, took part.

We condemn this act and demand due process so that this fateful incident does not go unpunished.

The murder of Fernando Villavicencio not only mourns his family, but it also mourns democracy. This tragic event puts the whole of the country’s democracy at risk.


Save the life of Mohamed Lamine Haddi / Salven la vida de Mohamed Lamine Haddi / Sauvez la vie de Mohamed Lamine Haddi


 The League for the Protection of Saharawi Prisoners in Moroccan Prisons has sent this message to the African Union, to each of the "friends of Western Sahara" - France, England, Spain, Russia and the United States of America -, to Germany, to the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council and to various human rights organizations.
This letter intends to raise awareness of the terrible situation Haddi is suffering, and to call for human rights to be upheld, not only in declarations but in practice, by making every effort to save Haddi's life.
Haddi cannot succumb to hunger strike or ear infection due to medical negligence. The countries have their diplomatic channels, they have been warned and they should try everything to save his life.
Because this way of killing slowly cannot be tolerated. Morocco is a terrible torturer. The so-called civilised nations must stop it.

 Your Excellency,

Allow us to inform you of a case of vital importance.

Mohamed Lamine Haddi is a Saharawi human rights defender and a political prisoner of the Gdeim Izik group. He was detained on November 23, 2010 further to the dismantlement of the Gdeim Izik camp by the Moroccan occupation forces, and purges a sentence of 25 years, after an unfair trial. The prison is Tifilt 2, in Morocco, 1.200 kms away from his home in occupied Western Sahara.

His life in prison is unbearable because of the absolutely hostile treatment he is subject to. In 2021 his despair led him to go on two hunger strikes of 69 and 63 days to claim for his rights.

He is in isolation since September 16, 2017.

The communication with his family is difficult and scarce.

Torture and hunger strikes have provoked a real damage in his health, all over his body. He doesn’t receive medical assistance. Not even his hunger strikes were monitored.

Several special rapporteurs of the United Nations have denounced the tortures and the unfair trial to which the group of Gdeim Izik was submitted, i.e. the communication of July 20, 2017 (AL Mar 3/2017).

Now, as a result of the continuous and brutal slaps received during his torture, 13 years ago, his ear has been infected with pus for a long time. Now the pus is growing and the pain is very intense. Still no medical care.

He went on a warning hunger strike of 24 hours on August 3. On August 8, he went once again on an indefinite hunger strike to ask for his right to receive medical care.

What Morocco is doing with Haddi is a slow death sentence. We can’t let this man die in broad daylight. His harm can be avoided.


Islamophobia in France: Stop the Fires of Hatred!

Salah Lamrani, CGT Éduc'action Clermont-Ferrand , 1/7/2023

The summer period is notoriously prone to forest fires, a formidable threat to our natural resources and the surrounding biodiversity. However, there is an even more insidious danger spreading through our societies, undermining our values and cohesion: irresponsible hate speech. A reminder of some recent occurrences is in order.

Occitan Hearth

At the end of April, in elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools in the Academies of Toulouse and Montpellier [French southern cities of the Occitania region], a survey on “absenteeism” during the month of Ramadan and the Eid al-Fitr holiday, particularly affecting priority education zones [underprivileged areas with a significant Muslim community], targeted exclusively Muslim pupils. Commissioned by the Interior Ministry, this survey was required from schools by the police and the Ministry of Education. This situation provoked a legitimate outcry.

Following the denunciation of these stigmatizing practices—which turn a basic practice of Islam into a security issue—fraught with illegality, since religious statistics (even non-nominative ones) are strictly regulated in France, the authorities, as usual, talked a lot of hot air: “clumsiness”, “badly formulated message”, “autonomous research by an intelligence officer”, “study of the impact of certain religious holidays on the operation of public services”... As if cops were known for carrying out sociological investigations in schools; as if a religion other than Islam had ever been in the line of fire; as if occasional absences, provided for in the Education Code and legally unassailable (for the time being), could harm the functioning of Europe's most overcrowded classrooms—after Romania.

A wet-finger estimate in [the right-wing newspaper] Le Figaro, announcing a “record absenteeism rate” on the day of Eid al-Fitr 2023 due to an alleged “TikTok trend,” is said to have prompted this investigation, which is perhaps intended to provide more quantified data for future witch-hunts. The data, moreover, is hardly usable, for while some school heads and inspectors have encouraged staff to respond to these tendentious surveys, which we can only deplore and denounce, others have fortunately dissuaded them from doing so—not to mention the fact that it is difficult to presume the reason for an absence on a Friday just before the national school holidays.

The question immediately arose as to the motives behind such a survey. Was it “only” a question of stirring up yet another unfounded controversy at the expense of the Muslim community? Or is the government planning to call into question an acquired right that is in no way contentious, in the name of an ever more narrow and misguided interpretation of secularism (which could tomorrow attack pork-free or meat-free menus in school canteens, ban any refunding of half-boarding fees for Muslim pupils during the month of Ramadan, etc.)? Will staff be the next targets of these investigations? Already, some non-teaching staff have been refused a “religious holiday” leave, which is illegal and unacceptable. Any attempt to generalize these measures on the pretext of “combating separatism” and “ensuring the smooth running of the public education service” must be fiercely opposed.

PACA Hearth and Ministerial Fuel to the Fire

On June 15, the Mayor of Nice and President of the Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur (PACA) Regional Council, Christian Estrosi, issued an alarmist press release denouncing “several extremely serious incidents” which had occurred the previous day in three Nice elementary schools, and which were reported to the School Inspection Office, then to the Prefect of the Alpes-Maritimes Department, and the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne. The following day, the French Minister of Education, Pap Ndiaye, went even further, speaking of “intolerable facts,” the “mobilization of the Values of the Republic teams in all the schools concerned to ensure full respect for the principle of secularism on a permanent basis,” and the implementation of “the necessary government measures” to ensure respect for secularismor “laïcité”in schools.

The alleged “facts”? Some children in 4th and 5th grades were said to have “performed the Muslim prayer in their school playground” or organized “a minute's silence in memory of the Prophet Mahomet[1].” These were nothing more than rumors, as the expressions of doubt (“it is reported to me,” “or”) and the conditional tense (“These unacceptable situations would also have taken place in secondary schools”) clearly underlines. Worse still, before even the slightest verification of these absolutely insignificant alleged facts (it's just a handful of 9-10 year-olds having fun in the playground), Christian Estrosi likened these “attempts at religious intrusion into the sanctuaries of the Republic that are our schools” to “religious obscurantism attempting to destabilize us” and to “families who left to wage jihad in Syria,” who are reportedly beginning to return to France and sending their children “to our schools.”

Pap Ndiaye(replaced in the recent cabinet reshuffle by Gabriel Attal) and Christian Estrosi

And without even waiting for the results of “the General Inspectorate's investigation to establish the facts precisely and draw the appropriate conclusions” (no kidding), the full force of the law was brought to bear against this allegedly dangerous “slide” (which at this stage has not even gone beyond the stage of gossip): “meeting with all the departments concerned to set up an action plan,” “reinforcement of State action to ensure that these attacks on secularism are firmly combated,” “campaign to prevent and combat radicalization,” “firm, collective, and resolute response,” setting up “secularism and values of the Republic training courses” which “will be the subject of a common module bringing together all personnel...” The joint press release from Christian Estrosi and Pap Ndiaye concluded with a fanfare worthy of this outpouring of catastrophist press releases, disproportionate means, and withering epithets: “the principle of secularism is non-negotiable in our Republic.” Such a display of paranoia and hysteria is not surprising from the reactionary clown Estrosi, whose secular fervor is otherwise well known, but considering what Pap Ndiaye was before he plunged body and soul into the political cesspool [Pap Ndiaye was a Professor at the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences, focusing his research on the compared history of racially discriminatory practices in France and in America, and the Director of the French national museum of immigration], one can only feel a bitter mixture of disgust and pity[2].

Christian Estrosi’s uncompromising crusade for secularism: “Defending our Christian traditions also means defending the heritage of our elders, who also built our Nice countryside”.


An Eternal Flame

The deep-seated motivations behind such Islamophobic outbursts are well known and have unfortunately become a constant in the discourse of Emmanuel Macron and his minions. Having faced massive popular opposition with the pension reform, they now resort to a despicable strategy of scapegoating, reminiscent of the darkest hours of France’s history. In a notorious debate with Marine Le Pen, President of the Far-Right Party “Rassemblement National” (National Rally), Macron’s Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin accused her of being “too soft” on Islam and refusing to “name the enemy”: “You say that Islam isn't even a problem... You need to take vitamins, you're not harsh enough!”

During a special evening dedicated to Samuel Paty [French teacher who was beheaded by a radicalized Islamist for showing his pupils derogatory Charlie Hebdo cartoons depicting the Prophet of Islam], Darmanin also denounced “communitarianism” and the “baser instincts” of “separatism” related to clothing or food (again, no kidding). He criticized clothing stores offering “community outfits” and the “halal sections” of supermarkets, portraying these as shocking practices. His aim was to link these cultural practices, which are perfectly harmless and consensual, to terrorism—a despicable process of amalgamation, stigmatization, and the appropriation of far-right discourse that is increasingly overt in the discourse and practices of Macron and his ministers.

Far from deterring the Rassemblement National’s electorate, this trivialization has only served to consolidate and grow it, providing a vigorous “vitamin” treatment regularly administered to hate speech by those in power and their media echo chambers.

The infamous Charlie Hebdo contributed on this ominous issue with a cartoon (“School reinvents itself” – “We bring our homework to school”) and a comment: “The question is how to deal with these cases, which involve particularly young children. The ten-year-old boy who incited his classmates to observe a minute's silence for the Prophet was the subject of 'worrying information' sent to the Alpes-Maritimes departmental council, as the Nice education authority told Charlie Hebdo. An alert was also issued to the prefecture for 'suspicion of radicalization'. 'The child doesn't become flagged as a serious threat to national security,' we're told. The idea is for the intelligence services to rule out any threat and check that the parents are not dangerous.' In the meantime, the schoolboy has been excluded from the school canteen and has taken an early vacation. 'We can't afford another Samuel Paty,' says a member of the Rector's entourage.”

In any case, it wouldn't be the first time that alleged TikTok “cyber-attacks on secularism” or other unverified gossip causes an uproar in the services of the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of National Education. Let us mention the controversies surrounding the wearing of the abaya and the deployment of the Orwellian concept of “improvised religious clothing,” promoted during the dubious “laïcité” training courses imposed on all teaching staff throughout France. These courses provide instructions and even rhetorical and legal tools to track down alleged intentions behind the “suspicious” dresses of presumably Muslim girls. A dress bought at H&M could thus fall under the “law banning ostentatious religious signs” (which really only targeted the Islamic veil) and earn the targeted schoolgirls summons, reprimands, or even threats and exclusion if they refuse to dress in a “republican” manner: a “morality police” doubled with a “thought police” in short. And it seems that the French authorities have just introduced a “children's games police.” Are we soon to see SWAT teams in primary school playgrounds? The degree of insanity is such that a sneeze from a swarthy pupil that sounds vaguely like “Allahu Akbar” would be enough to trigger such an intervention.

Extinguishing the fires or fanning them?

At a time when violence, including far-right terrorism targeting our fellow Muslim citizens, is reaching worrying proportions, the government persists in fanning the flames of hatred with its pyromaniac actions, exacerbating the real dangers threatening civil peace. The government's approach involves all-out repression, police and security abuses with total impunity [the French police are lately becoming seditious and openly rebellious, literally demanding a license to beat up and even kill without being bothered by any kind of justice procedure], and over-instrumentalizing trivial facts to raise the specter of fantasized threats. These tactics only serve to pit citizens against each other and divide the French society.

The republican school urgently needs resources, not diversionary strategies, artificial tensions, or a perpetual call into question of the status and fundamental rights of users and staff. The “non-negotiable” secularism promoted and ardently defended by the CGT Educ’action aims to ensure the serenity and cohesion of the educational community, not to transform staff into zealous police auxiliaries or confine an entire population to the status of suspect or “enemy within,” to be constantly monitored and held at bay.

The Republic guarantees freedom of worship and equal treatment for all its citizens. Anyone committed to republican ideals must protest against this frenzied desire to ignite bonfires from the most microscopic twigs, and against stigmatizing and discriminatory practices that tarnish France's image abroad and regularly elicit condemnations from human rights associations like Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch. National Education staff, in particular, must oppose these practices and report them to local union sections, which must vigorously defend all members of the educational community (staff, pupils, parents…) who fall victim to them.


[1] The minute's silence isn’t precisely a well-known practice in Muslim liturgy. As for the spelling “Mahomet,” we can only deplore the fact that despite the presence of the first name Mohammed in the top 10 of most given names in the current French population, and its position in the top 50 of names on French war memorials from the First World War, this backward-looking and contemptuous name dating from an era of antagonism between Christianity and Islam, and felt as an insult by millions of Muslims, remains in use.

[2] Like a downsized version of Voltaire fighting fanaticism in the days of the Inquisition, Pap Ndiaye has also taken to TV to denounce these “manifestations of religious proselytism in schools,” gargling in big words, notably BFM WC (“These facts are not acceptable in the School of the Republic... It is only natural that the Nice Academy, the Nice Rector, and the Nice Mayor should react firmly to ensure respect for the principles of secularism, which is why I have signed this joint declaration with the Nice Mayor... The parents have been summoned... The pupils have been reminded of their obligations with regard to religious neutrality, and they have been given training, because we're talking about children after all... In secondary schools, [for similar acts] there can be sanctions [or even] temporary or permanent exclusions...”). Pap Ndiaye did not hesitate to spread false Islamophobic information, namely that these children all belonged to the Muslim faith, which was denied by Eliane's testimony to BFM Côte d'Azur, whose non-Muslim grandson took part in these children's games: “He should check his sources because my grandson was part of the group playing and imitating prayer. There was no intention, no religion in the middle, it was really just a game... The stigmatization of children is really lamentable... That's why we no longer have confidence in politicians, because everything is blown out of proportion to unbelievable proportions, and this harms solidarity and life together.

[3] Let us remind that to be valid, Muslim prayer (especially in congregations) requires the age of puberty, a precise timetable, ablutions, specific clothing, orientation towards Mecca, etc.; so many conditions that it is simply impossible to meet in an elementary school playground during the lunch break.