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Save the life of Mohamed Lamine Haddi / Salven la vida de Mohamed Lamine Haddi / Sauvez la vie de Mohamed Lamine Haddi


 The League for the Protection of Saharawi Prisoners in Moroccan Prisons has sent this message to the African Union, to each of the "friends of Western Sahara" - France, England, Spain, Russia and the United States of America -, to Germany, to the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council and to various human rights organizations.
This letter intends to raise awareness of the terrible situation Haddi is suffering, and to call for human rights to be upheld, not only in declarations but in practice, by making every effort to save Haddi's life.
Haddi cannot succumb to hunger strike or ear infection due to medical negligence. The countries have their diplomatic channels, they have been warned and they should try everything to save his life.
Because this way of killing slowly cannot be tolerated. Morocco is a terrible torturer. The so-called civilised nations must stop it.

 Your Excellency,

Allow us to inform you of a case of vital importance.

Mohamed Lamine Haddi is a Saharawi human rights defender and a political prisoner of the Gdeim Izik group. He was detained on November 23, 2010 further to the dismantlement of the Gdeim Izik camp by the Moroccan occupation forces, and purges a sentence of 25 years, after an unfair trial. The prison is Tifilt 2, in Morocco, 1.200 kms away from his home in occupied Western Sahara.

His life in prison is unbearable because of the absolutely hostile treatment he is subject to. In 2021 his despair led him to go on two hunger strikes of 69 and 63 days to claim for his rights.

He is in isolation since September 16, 2017.

The communication with his family is difficult and scarce.

Torture and hunger strikes have provoked a real damage in his health, all over his body. He doesn’t receive medical assistance. Not even his hunger strikes were monitored.

Several special rapporteurs of the United Nations have denounced the tortures and the unfair trial to which the group of Gdeim Izik was submitted, i.e. the communication of July 20, 2017 (AL Mar 3/2017).

Now, as a result of the continuous and brutal slaps received during his torture, 13 years ago, his ear has been infected with pus for a long time. Now the pus is growing and the pain is very intense. Still no medical care.

He went on a warning hunger strike of 24 hours on August 3. On August 8, he went once again on an indefinite hunger strike to ask for his right to receive medical care.

What Morocco is doing with Haddi is a slow death sentence. We can’t let this man die in broad daylight. His harm can be avoided.