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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est Khaza Mokhammed. Afficher tous les articles


L'Occident et la création du nazisme

Khaza Mokhammed , 11/3/2022

Khaza Mokhammed (1989) est un linguiste russe, docteur en philologie romane classique de l'Université d'État de la région de Moscou, auteur de nombreux articles en langue russe sur la grammaire du français moyen et la langue latine.

«  L'histoire du monde n'est pas le lieu de la félicité. Les périodes de bonheur y sont des pages blanches ».
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

Une brève analyse marxiste-léniniste de l'impérialisme occidental

Pour comprendre l'approche marxiste de la question de l'impérialisme, malheureusement, il ne suffit pas de lire l'ouvrage de Lénine L'impérialisme, stade suprême du capitalisme.  Malgré toute l'importance de ce livre, il a en fait un sujet plutôt étroit.  Le but de Lénine, comme on peut le voir dans le texte de ce livre, était d'analyser d'un point de vue marxiste en quoi l'impérialisme diffère de l'étape pré-impérialiste dans le développement du capitalisme, de montrer le caractère décadent et réactionnaire de l'impérialisme en tant qu'étape de la décadence du capitalisme et de critiquer les tendances opportunistes dans l'analyse de l'impérialisme (en particulier la théorie de Kautsky).  Mais il n'y a pas de description complète de l'impérialisme en tant que système mondial du point de vue de l'économie politique marxiste dans le livre, bien que Lénine, bien sûr, parte du fait que l'impérialisme est un système mondial.  Et si vous prêtez attention à certains de ses textes et discours ultérieurs, il devient clair que Lénine avait encore une compréhension beaucoup plus profonde et plus holistique de l'impérialisme que celle qu'il a présentée dans ce livre.

 Une tentative de donner une analyse à grande échelle de l'impérialisme mondial dans son ensemble avec ses lois internes a été faite par Rosa Luxemburg dans son livre L'accumulation du capital, mais cette tentative a échoué et la théorie de Rosa s'est avérée complètement fausse.

 L'impérialisme occidental envahirait une nation souveraine, renverserait son gouvernement légitime sous prétexte de démocratie, réduirait en décombres de grandes civilisations comme dans le cas de la Syrie, de l'Irak, de la Libye et de la Yougoslavie.

Les "pacifiques combattants de la liberté" du Régiment Azov

The west and creation of nazism

Khaza Mokhammed, 11/3/2022

 Khaza Mokhammed (1989) is a Russian linguist, PhD in Classics Romance philology from Moscow Region State University, author of many articles in Russian language on middle french Grammar and Latin language.

“History is not the soil in which happiness grows. The periods of happiness in it are the blank pages of history”- Hegel 

 A brief  Marxist Leninist analysis of western imperialism  

To understand the Marxist approach to the question of imperialism, unfortunately, it is not enough to read Lenin's work ‘Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism’. For all the importance of this book, it actually has a rather narrow subject matter. Lenin's goal, as can be seen from the text of this book, was to analyse from a Marxist standpoint how imperialism differs from the pre-imperialist stage in the development of capitalism, to show the decadent, reactionary character of imperialism as a stage in the decay of capitalism, and to criticize opportunist tendencies in the analysis of imperialism (in particular, Kautsky's theory). But there is no complete description of imperialism as a world system from the point of view of Marxist political economy in the book, although Lenin, of course, proceeds from the fact that imperialism is a world system. And if you pay attention to some of his later texts and speeches, it becomes clear that Lenin still had a much deeper and more holistic understanding of imperialism than he presented in this book.

An attempt to give a large-scale analysis of world imperialism as a whole with its internal laws was made by Rosa Luxemburg in her book ‘The Accumulation of Capital’, but this attempt was unsuccessful, and Rosa's theory turned out to be completely false.

The western imperialism would invade a sovereign nation, overthrow its legitimate government under the pretext of democracy, turn  great civilizations into rubble as in the case of Syria, Iraq, Libya and Yugoslavia.

Western Imperialism and  Nazism

In 1934, the Poles signed a non-aggression pact with the Germans. The Declaration was Hitler's first foreign policy success, which secured the eastern borders and allowed him to focus on expanding the western ones.

Polish leader Jozef Pilsudski and German propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels

The Polish leadership hoped to make friends with an aggressive neighbour and found common interests in the division of Czechoslovakia. However, neither the non-aggression pact nor the alliance with England and France helped the Poles: on April 28, 1939, Germany broke the agreement, and on September 1, Great Britain declared war. The Anglo-German Naval Agreement, signed in 1935, allowed Germany to acquire a navy. Prior to that, it was banned due to defeat in the First World War. As a result of the negotiations, the British allowed Hitler to build 5 battleships, 2 aircraft carriers, 21 cruisers and 64 destroyers. These forces equalized the Nazi state with Italy and France, and also gave an advantage over the naval forces of the USSR.

The Modern Nazism

The fact that Ukraine, in the three and a half years after the Maidan, has turned into a country of victorious surrealism, where the level of lawlessness has been elevated to the rank of state madness, is clear today, probably, to any sane person.

In fact, Ukraine today is a country where people are in power who preach this disgusting misanthropic ideology quite openly. Moreover, they even seem to take credit for it.

 Europe does not care about the “reincarnation” modern  Neo Nazis in Ukraine. Doesn’t condemn torchlight processions under banners with swastikas… State terror Desecration of graves and monuments doesn’t  hold the Neo  Nazis accountable  – for burning people in the Odessa House of Trade Unions shelling of Donbass and political assassinations.

Former U.S. senator John McCain With the Ukrainian Neo Nazis