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“We need to tidy up the house”: Esther Cuesta, candidate for Europe, Asia and Oceania to the Ecuadorian National Assembly

 María Piedad Ossaba and Fausto Giudice, 15/8/2023

Versión original española  
Version française
Versione italiana

Esther Cuesta Santana (Guayaquil, 1975) is a candidate of La Revolución Ciudadana [The Citizens' Revolution] to the National Assembly for Europe, Asia and Oceania in the Ecuadorian elections of August 20, 2023. Esther was a MP from 2017 to 2021 and from 2021 until the dissolution of Congress on May 17, 2023, and also consul general of Ecuador in Genoa (Italy). Here is an interview we did with her, focused on her main area of interest, Ecuadorian emigration worldwide (ca. 3 million).

Tell us about the Human Mobility Law and how it favors the Ecuadorian diaspora. What is the work currently being carried out by the Ecuadorian consulates abroad?

The Human Mobility Law came into force during the period of the Citizens’ Revolution. On February 6, 2017, the Organic Law of Human Mobility was published in Official Gazette No. 938 with the objective of regulating the exercise of rights, obligations, institutionality and mechanisms linked to persons in human mobility, which includes emigrants, immigrants, persons in transit, Ecuadorian returnees, those who require international protection, victims of human trafficking crimes and smuggling of migrants and their families. The law develops the principles of universal citizenship, the right to migrate and Latin American integration.

Despite the fact that the Law contains the recognition of guarantees and protection of rights, in the last 6 years with the governments of Moreno and Lasso, they destroyed the policies for the protection of the rights of people in human mobility. They tripled the costs of consular services, closed consulates and embassies, eliminated services such as free legal advice, reduced the budget and staff in consulates that should serve our migrant compatriots. The consulates do not have appointments available for consular procedures and the procedures can take up to months. Today obtaining a passport in Ecuador and abroad is an odyssey and we have returned to the times of the middlemen who charge up to 400 dollars for a passport!

From the Parliamentary Group for the Rights of Persons in Human Mobility of the National Assembly, of which I had the honor to be President, we evaluated the Organic Law of Human Mobility to verify the application of this law in order to identify the limitations and scope of this legal body for the real exercise of the human rights of Ecuadorians abroad, Ecuadorian returnees, immigrants and refugees who require international protection, victims of human trafficking or smuggling. That is, if the government and state institutions applied the law.

In this evaluation, we have seen evidence of the state's neglect to guarantee the rights of people in human mobility.

But with presidential candidate Luisa González we will once again have a Foreign Ministry at the service of migrants with highly efficient consulates oriented to the service of our compatriots. Consulates with flexible schedules that adapt to the needs of migrants, including service on Saturdays. We will again have mobile consulates to get even closer to our community in different regions, to bring the government closer to the citizen.

How has the deinstitutionalization of Ecuador during the governments of Lenín Moreno and Guillermo Lasso affected Ecuador's diplomatic life in terms of the role of embassies and consular systems?

At this moment Ecuador is going through a critical moment. We are experiencing a crisis of insecurity, unemployment, lack of access to free quality education, lack of access to quality public health and we are experiencing a new wave of migration in more dangerous conditions. Deinstitutionalization of consular services, reduced budget for policies to protect the rights of people in human mobility, tripled the costs of consular services, closed consulates and embassies and in the last 6 years, governments have used diplomacy to pay favors to the media, notaries and partners of the president of the Republic, putting people who have never had a vocation of service, they have only been interested in their private business and hide their money in tax havens.

But with these elections, we have the opportunity to be part of the resurgence of the motherland and get out of the catastrophe we are living, by voting for List 5, for Luisa and Andres.

We need to tidy up the house.

We need a government that guarantees rights, which is its obligation. We need to get out of underdevelopment with the most capable people, with experience, social conscience and humanity, and such are Luisa and Andres. We need people who know the State and public administration, who start working from day 1, not who come to learn what a ministry is.

Ecuadorian migrants are aware that, during the government of the Citizens’ Revolution, we had a government that protected and defended our rights abroad and those of our families inside and outside the country. The government of Rafael Correa was the first government that guaranteed our rights, that created plans and programs for our return, if we so decided, that implemented a plan for repatriation of mortal remains, which is a right of us migrants, that transformed the consulates to meet the needs of our migrant community, and provide consular services of quality and warmth, we implemented a program of free legal and psychological counseling in Spain for compatriots affected by mortgages, and in Italy, a multidisciplinary program that provided free counseling, sponsorship and legal defense, psychological assistance and social work to families, mainly to mothers who lost custody or guardianship of their minor children. All of this has been dismantled. Migrants will vote with memory, with conscience, with hope because we know that with the Citizens’ Revolution the consulates and embassies will return to the service of migrants who each year send to the country more than 4.7 billion dollars in remittances and contribute to the economy and strengthen dollarization while bankers like Lasso hide their money in tax havens. Therefore, this August 20, Ecuadorians abroad will demonstrate the strength we have.

How does the consular situation in Ecuador affect the electoral process on August 20 for migrants abroad?

The National Electoral Council has implemented the 2023 Telematic Voting Abroad modality for Ecuadorians who are registered abroad. 

The process consists of two phases: registration and voting. Although this is a great advantage for Ecuadorians, the Foreign Ministry is not adequately disseminating the registration process for Ecuadorians living abroad to register and vote abroad, in compliance with the law. 

The consulates have the obligation to promote the registration of Ecuadorians living abroad to vote telematically and promote their participation in this electoral process that will define what kind of country we want, one of death, violence and poverty or one that protects life, that guarantees rights, as will be the government of Luisa Gonzalez.

Consulates and embassies should provide clear and accurate information about the electoral processes, with informative material, voting guides and access to online resources, mobile brigades and mobile consulates so that migrants can exercise their constitutional right to vote.

Consulates must send mass messages to Ecuadorians about the telematic voting registration process. This can be via SMS, email, radio spots, advertising spots and providing information at consular offices where citizens carry out procedures every day.

This is not happening, but Ecuadorians abroad are organizing themselves with citizen brigades and registration support for telematic voting in the absence of the Ecuadorian State abroad.

How do you evaluate the role of Ecuadorian emigration in national life, from an economic, political and socio-cultural point of view?

1.  Economic:

We have contributed significantly to the national economy through remittances. More than US$4.7 billion in 2022, which represents close to 4% of the gross domestic product and an amount greater than the total amount that Ecuador receives as foreign direct investment.

During the government of the Citizens’ Revolution, due to political stability, economic growth and security, many migrants and returned migrants invested in Ecuador in businesses and enterprises, which generated employment and contributed to the growth of our economy, strengthening dollarization.

Migrants acquire multiple skills and experiences in the countries of migratory destination, and upon returning to Ecuador, we contribute with technical and professional knowledge that benefits the economy and various productive sectors.

2. Political:

The Ecuadorian diaspora participates in electoral processes. This August 20, we will exercise our right through telematic voting, without considering the digital gap that exists in our community, discriminating against the elderly and people with disabilities. This will obviously affect the political participation of migrants and the electoral results.  Ecuador is one of the few countries in the world in which migrants have parliamentary representation, with 6 legislators representing 3 constituencies abroad: 1) two for Europe, Asia and Oceania, 2) two for the United States and Canada and 3) two for Latin America, the Caribbean and Africa.

3. Sociocultural:

Migration contributes to cultural diversity and the exchange of ideas between different countries and regions of the world. Migrants acquire new perspectives, experiences and knowledge that enrich the societies of origin and destination. Our compatriots abroad participate in numerous associations, collectives and cultural groups that make an important contribution to the dissemination of the diversity of Ecuadorian culture and cuisine, our languages, music, dance, and ancestral traditions and in the social, cultural and political life in the countries of residence.

What is your analysis of the murder of Fernando Villavicencio, its significance and possible consequences?

I stand in solidarity with the family of candidate Fernando Villavicencio and with those injured in this terrible incident.

It is important to emphasize that this is not just any election, we are risking our lives, here there are people who improvised themselves as candidates for the presidency of the republic, the country is no longer in a position to improvise.

Ecuador is going through a critical moment. We are facing an insecurity crisis. We are being killed every day, and we need urgent answers, with capable people like Luisa González.

Mrs. Patricia Villavicencio, sister of Fernando Villavicencio, publicly assured that the death of the presidential aspirant was the result of a plot in which the government of President Guillermo Lasso, who did not offer him security guarantees despite the threats against his physical integrity, took part.

We condemn this act and demand due process so that this fateful incident does not go unpunished.

The murder of Fernando Villavicencio not only mourns his family, but it also mourns democracy. This tragic event puts the whole of the country’s democracy at risk.

“Dobbiamo fare ordine in casa”: Esther Cuesta, candidata per l’Europa, l’Asia e l’Oceania all’Assemblea nazionale ecuadoriana

María Piedad Ossaba e Fausto Giudice, 15/8/2023

Versión original española  Version française English version

Esther Cuesta Santana (Guayaquil, 1975) è candidata di Revolución Ciudadana [Rivoluzione Civica] all’Assemblea nazionale per l’Europa, l’Asia e l’Oceania nelle elezioni ecuadoriane del 20 agosto 2023. Esther è stata deputata dal 2017 al 2021 e dal 2021 fino allo scioglimento del Congresso il 17 maggio 2023, ed è stata anche Console generale dell’Ecuador a Genova (Italia). Ecco un’intervista che abbiamo realizzato con lei, incentrata sulla sua sfera d’azione principale, l’emigrazione ecuadoriana nel mondo (circa tre millioni).

Ci parli della Legge sulla Mobilità Umana e di come si promuove la diaspora ecuadoriana. Qual è il lavoro attualmente svolto dai consolati ecuadoriani all’estero?

La legge sulla mobilità umana è entrata in vigore durante il periodo della Rivoluzione Civica. Il 6 febbraio 2017, la Legge Organica sulla Mobilità Umana è stata pubblicata nella Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 938 con l’obiettivo di regolare l’esercizio dei diritti, degli obblighi, delle istituzioni e dei meccanismi relativi alle persone in mobilità umana, compresi gli emigranti, gli immigrati, le persone in transito, i rimpatriati ecuadoriani, le persone che necessitano di protezione internazionale, le vittime della tratta di esseri umani e del traffico di migranti, nonché le loro famiglie. La legge sviluppa i principi della cittadinanza universale, del diritto di migrare e dell’integrazione latinoamericana.

Nonostante la legge preveda il riconoscimento di garanzie e la tutela dei diritti, negli ultimi sei anni i governi Moreno e Lasso hanno distrutto le politiche di tutela dei diritti delle persone in situazione di mobilità umana. Hanno triplicato il costo dei servizi consolari, chiuso consolati e ambasciate, abolito servizi come la consulenza legale gratuita e tagliato il budget e il personale dei consolati che dovrebbero occuparsi dei nostri connazionali migranti. Oggi ottenere un passaporto in Ecuador e all’estero è un’odissea, e siamo tornati ai tempi dei tramitadores [passacarte privati] che ti fanno pagare fino a 400 dollari per un passaporto!

Il Gruppo Parlamentare per i Diritti delle Persone con Mobilità Umana dell’Assemblea Nazionale, che ho avuto l’onore di presiedere, ha valutato la Legge Organica sulla Mobilità Umana per verificarne l’applicazione e individuare i limiti e la portata di questo strumento giuridico per l’effettivo esercizio dei diritti umani degli ecuadoriani all’estero, dei rimpatriati ecuadoriani, degli immigrati e dei rifugiati che necessitano di protezione internazionale, delle vittime della tratta di esseri umani o dell’immigrazione clandestina. In altre parole, si tratta di verificare se il governo e le istituzioni pubbliche hanno applicato la legge.

In questa valutazione, abbiamo riscontrato che lo Stato non riesce a garantire i diritti delle persone in situazione di mobilità umana.

Ma con Luisa González [candidata di Rivoluzione Civica alla presidenza] avremo di nuovo un Ministero degli Affari Esteri al servizio dei migranti, con consolati altamente efficienti al servizio dei nostri connazionali. Consolati con orari di apertura flessibili che si adattano alle esigenze dei migranti, compreso il sabato. Avremo di nuovo consolati mobili per essere ancora più vicini alle nostre comunità nelle diverse regioni, per avvicinare il governo ai cittadini.


« Nous devons mettre de l’ordre dans la maison » : Esther Cuesta, candidate pour l’Europe, l’Asie et l’Océanie à l’Assemblée nationale équatorienne

María Piedad Ossaba et Fausto Giudice, 15/8/2023

Versión original española Versione italiana English version

Esther Cuesta Santana (Guayaquil, 1975) est candidate à l’Assemblée nationale pour la circonscription Europe, Asie et Océanie lors des élections équatoriennes du 20 août 2023. Esther a été députée de 2017 à 2021 et de 2021 jusqu’à la dissolution du parlement en mai 2023, ainsi que consule générale de l’Équateur à Gênes (Italie). Ci-dessous un entretien que nous avons réalisé avec elle, focalisé sur son centre d’intérêt, l’émigration équatorienne dans le monde (environ 3 millions).

Parlez-nous de la loi sur la mobilité humaine et de la manière dont elle favorise la diaspora équatorienne. Quel est le travail actuellement réalisé par les consulats équatoriens à l’étranger ?

La loi sur la mobilité humaine est entrée en vigueur pendant la période de la Révolution citoyenne. Le 6 février 2017, la loi organique sur la mobilité humaine a été publiée au Journal officiel n° 938 dans le but de réglementer l’exercice des droits, des obligations, des institutions et des mécanismes liés aux personnes en mobilité humaine, qui comprennent les émigrants, les immigrants, les personnes en transit, les rapatriés équatoriens, les personnes ayant besoin d’une protection internationale, les victimes de la traite des êtres humains et du trafic illicite de migrants, ainsi que leurs familles. La loi développe les principes de la citoyenneté universelle, du droit de migrer et de l’intégration latino-américaine.

Bien que la loi contienne la reconnaissance des garanties et la protection des droits, au cours des six dernières années, les gouvernements de Moreno et Lasso ont détruit les politiques de protection des droits des personnes en situation de mobilité humaine. Ils ont triplé les coûts des services consulaires, fermé des consulats et des ambassades, supprimé des services tels que les conseils juridiques gratuits, réduit le budget et le personnel des consulats qui devraient s’occuper de nos compatriotes migrants. Aujourd’hui, obtenir un passeport en Équateur et à l’étranger est une odyssée et nous sommes revenus au temps des tramitadores [intermédiaires privés] qui demandent jusqu’à 400 dollars pour un passeport !

Le groupe parlementaire pour les droits des personnes en mobilité humaine de l’Assemblée nationale, que j’ai eu l’honneur de présider, a évalué la loi organique sur la mobilité humaine afin d’en vérifier l’application et d’identifier les limites et la portée de cet instrument juridique pour l’exercice réel des droits humains des Équatoriens à l’étranger, des rapatriés équatoriens, des immigrants et des réfugiés qui ont besoin d’une protection internationale, des victimes de la traite des êtres humains ou de l’immigration clandestine. En d’autres termes, il s’agit de savoir si le gouvernement et les institutions publiques ont appliqué la loi.

Dans cette évaluation, nous avons constaté que l’État négligeait de garantir les droits des personnes en situation de mobilité humaine.

Mais avec Luisa González [candidate à la présidence de Révolution Citoyenne], nous aurons à nouveau un ministère des Affaires étrangères au service des migrants, avec des consulats très efficaces au service de nos compatriotes. Des consulats aux horaires d’ouverture flexibles qui s’adaptent aux besoins des migrants, y compris le samedi. Nous aurons à nouveau des consulats mobiles pour nous rapprocher encore plus de notre communauté dans les différentes régions, pour rapprocher le gouvernement du citoyen.

“Necesitamos poner la casa en orden”: Esther Cuesta, candidata por Europa, Asia y Oceanía a la Asamblea nacional ecuatoriana

María Piedad Ossaba y Fausto Giudice, 15-8-2023

Versión francesa Versione italiana English version

Esther Cuesta Santana (Guayaquil, 1975) es candidata a la Asamblea nacional por Europa, Asia y Oceanía en las elecciones ecuatorianas del 20 de agosto de 2023. Esther fue asambleísta de 2017 a 2021 y de 2021 hasta la disolución del Congreso el 17 de mayo de 2023, y también cónsul general de Ecuador en Génova (Italia). He aquí una entrevista que le hicimos, centrada en su enfoque, la emigración ecuatoriana en el mundo (alrededor de tres millones).

Cuéntenos en qué consiste la Ley de movilidad humana y cómo se favorece a la diáspora ecuatoriana. ¿Cuál es la labor que están desarrollando actualmente los consulados ecuatorianos en el exterior?

La Ley de Movilidad Humana entró en vigencia en el período de la Revolución Ciudadana. El 6 de febrero de 2017, se publicó la Ley Orgánica de Movilidad Humana en el Registro Oficial No. 938 con el objetivo de regular el ejercicio de derechos, obligaciones, institucionalidad y mecanismos vinculados a las personas en movilidad humana, que comprende emigrantes, inmigrantes, personas en tránsito, personas ecuatorianas retornadas, quienes requieran de protección internacional, víctimas de los delitos de trata de personas y de tráfico ilícito de migrantes y sus familias. La ley desarrolla los principios de ciudadanía universal, el derecho a migrar y la integración latinoamericana.

A pesar de que la Ley contiene el reconocimiento de garantías y protección de derechos, en los últimos 6 años con los gobiernos de Moreno y Lasso, destrozaron las políticas de protección de derechos de personas en movilidad humana. Triplicaron los costos de los servicios consulares, cerraron consulados y embajadas, eliminaron servicios, como la asesoría jurídica gratuita, redujeron el presupuesto y el personal en los consulados que deberían atender a nuestros compatriotas migrantes. Los consulados no tienen disponibilidad de citas para trámites consulares y los trámites pueden durar hasta meses. ¡Hoy obtener un pasaporte en Ecuador y el exterior es una odisea y hemos vuelto al país de los tramitadores que te cobran hasta 400 dólares por un pasaporte!

Desde el Grupo Parlamentario por los Derechos de las Personas en Movilidad Humana de la Asamblea Nacional, del cual tuve el honor de ser Presidenta, evaluamos la Ley Orgánica de Movilidad Humana para verificar la aplicación de esta ley a fin de identificar las limitaciones y alcances de este cuerpo legal para el real ejercicio de los derechos humanos de las ecuatorianas y ecuatorianos en el exterior, las ecuatorianas y ecuatorianos retornados, los inmigrantes y las personas refugiadas que requieren de protección internacional, víctimas de trata o tráfico de personas. Es decir, si el gobierno y las instituciones del Estado aplicaron la ley.

En esta evaluación evidenciamos el abandono estatal para garantizar los derechos de las personas en movilidad humana.

Pero con Luisa González volveremos a tener una Cancillería al servicio de los migrantes con consulados altamente eficientes y orientados al servicio de nuestros compatriotas. Consulados con horarios flexibles que se adapten a las necesidades de los migrantes, incluyendo atención los sábados. Volveremos a tener consulados móviles para acercarnos aún más a nuestra comunidad en diferentes regiones, que el gobierno se acerque al ciudadano.

Save the life of Mohamed Lamine Haddi / Salven la vida de Mohamed Lamine Haddi / Sauvez la vie de Mohamed Lamine Haddi


 The League for the Protection of Saharawi Prisoners in Moroccan Prisons has sent this message to the African Union, to each of the "friends of Western Sahara" - France, England, Spain, Russia and the United States of America -, to Germany, to the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council and to various human rights organizations.
This letter intends to raise awareness of the terrible situation Haddi is suffering, and to call for human rights to be upheld, not only in declarations but in practice, by making every effort to save Haddi's life.
Haddi cannot succumb to hunger strike or ear infection due to medical negligence. The countries have their diplomatic channels, they have been warned and they should try everything to save his life.
Because this way of killing slowly cannot be tolerated. Morocco is a terrible torturer. The so-called civilised nations must stop it.

 Your Excellency,

Allow us to inform you of a case of vital importance.

Mohamed Lamine Haddi is a Saharawi human rights defender and a political prisoner of the Gdeim Izik group. He was detained on November 23, 2010 further to the dismantlement of the Gdeim Izik camp by the Moroccan occupation forces, and purges a sentence of 25 years, after an unfair trial. The prison is Tifilt 2, in Morocco, 1.200 kms away from his home in occupied Western Sahara.

His life in prison is unbearable because of the absolutely hostile treatment he is subject to. In 2021 his despair led him to go on two hunger strikes of 69 and 63 days to claim for his rights.

He is in isolation since September 16, 2017.

The communication with his family is difficult and scarce.

Torture and hunger strikes have provoked a real damage in his health, all over his body. He doesn’t receive medical assistance. Not even his hunger strikes were monitored.

Several special rapporteurs of the United Nations have denounced the tortures and the unfair trial to which the group of Gdeim Izik was submitted, i.e. the communication of July 20, 2017 (AL Mar 3/2017).

Now, as a result of the continuous and brutal slaps received during his torture, 13 years ago, his ear has been infected with pus for a long time. Now the pus is growing and the pain is very intense. Still no medical care.

He went on a warning hunger strike of 24 hours on August 3. On August 8, he went once again on an indefinite hunger strike to ask for his right to receive medical care.

What Morocco is doing with Haddi is a slow death sentence. We can’t let this man die in broad daylight. His harm can be avoided.

Argentine : nouvelle droite, nouveaux défis

Alejandro Grimson, Página 12, 15/8/2023
Traduit par Fausto Giudice, Tlaxcala

Alejandro Grimson (Buenos Aires, 1968) est un anthropologue argentin, professeur et directeur de thèses de doctorat en anthropologie sociale à l’Institut de Hautes Études Sociales de l’Université San Martín, chercheur principal au CONICET (Conseil national de recherches scientifique et technique). Spécialiste entre autres des inégalités, des discriminations, des migrations, des zones frontalières, des cultures politiques, des identiéts et de l’interculturalité, il est l’auteur de six livres. CV

Le résultat choquant des élections primaires de dimanche donne lieu à d'importants débats. Je considère qu'il est essentiel d'examiner au moins dix questions :

1) La croissance exponentielle de l'extrême droite est un phénomène mondial qui a commencé en 2015 et 2016 avec les triomphes de Trump et de Bolsonaro. Boric et Petro ont remporté leurs scrutins contre des candidats du même type et ces forces font partie de tous les parlements en Europe. Nous sommes dans une nouvelle étape historique, de grande instabilité économique et politique et de renforcement des forces d'extrême droite.

2) Au niveau mondial, cette droite radicalisée s'est manifestée de deux manières. Soit par l'émergence de nouvelles forces, comme Vox en Espagne, soit par la radicalisation des partis traditionnels, comme aux USA. En Argentine, les deux se produisent en même temps. Ces droites ont des agendas économiques différents dans le monde entier et ne cadrent pas toutes facilement avec les stéréotypes sur les vieilles extrêmes droites.

3) Dans le cas de l'Argentine, il s'agit de néolibéraux en surrégime. Ils ont des candidats liés à la dictature et d'autres qui font partie de la vie démocratique depuis des décennies. Au fond, ils sont xénophobes, l'écrasante majorité est anti-droits des femmes et anti-diversité, mais ils sont ambivalents parce qu'ils ne pensent pas tous de la même façon et aussi parce que pour l'instant ce ne sont pas ces aspects qui opèrent dans la société. Ce qui fonctionne, c'est l'invention d'une issue prétendument simple à une crise économique déjà insupportable. La “dollarisation”, la “caste” et la promesse de répression et d'ordre ont conduit à cette performance électorale.