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How does the ADL confront “conspiratorial anti-Semitism”?

Luis E. Sabini Fernández, Revista Futuros, 28/11/2021
Translated by Fausto Giudice, Tlaxcala

In a recent paper, “Antisemitic Conspiracies About 9/11 Endure 20 Years Later,” the ADL (Anti-Defamation League, USA) comes out to confront what they advertise in the title.

Alleged anti-Semitic cartoons created by the ADL to illustrate its “report”

What does the reader expect when faced with such a title? The presentation of evidence or at least arguments showing the inconsistency of such attempts to explain what happened at the World Trade Center with the two towers.

It is an extensive work, more than 40 thousand spaces structured in four chapters, so there is no excuse for lack of means, space or similar.

However, except for the initial observation that such "anti-Semitic and conspiracy theories*" reject "the widely accepted version of the facts", what we have is a long list of characters thus qualified (anti-Semitic and conspiracy theorists) with their respective points in denunciation of the events of September 11, 2001, the collapse in Manhattan and so on and so forth.

First of all, it is worth making a demarcation: 'the widely quoted version of the facts' is no guarantee of truth or solvency; on the contrary, we would say that in the face of complex and intricate issues, the most widely quoted version does not necessarily have to be the most truthful; in particular, such an appeal does not guarantee anything, on the contrary.

The ADL refutes little or nothing of what it exposes of the respective "anti-Semitic and conspiratorial" referents. As if an ADL statement were self-evident.

For example, it qualifies Gilad Atzmon, who does not even support the aforementioned theses "because he lacks knowledge in construction and aviation", according to his own statements; likewise this author declares to adhere to the explanation of the attack so criticized by ADL; to see what happened as a conspiracy, because of, Atzmon clarifies: “1) the assiduity with which the Israeli Mossad engages in false flag operations; 2) by the principle of cui bono, which clearly shows us that Israel has been the main beneficiary of what happened and 3) that the Anglo-American empire has been in charge of armed conflicts generated by Zionism for at least the last two decades.”

ADL does not even attempt to comment on such juicy and truthful considerations. Moreover, we do not visualize Atzmon's approach as either anti-Semitic or conspiratorial, but very much in line with reality.

Let us take another example, not of someone accused of being “anti-Semitic and conspiratorial” (which they all are), but of an element, presumably proof of the strong Israeli involvement in the events in New York.

'The 5 dancing or partying Israelis'. ADL typifies as conspiratorial and anti-Semitic every time one of its challenged mentions the episode of five young people who were photographing and partying in an open garage, with the collapse of one of the towers as a backdrop. Seen, with bewilderment and indignation, from a neighboring house, they were reported to the police who promptly located and arrested them.

They turned out to be five young men, and the one who seemed to be calling the shots, attended to the police procedure and told those detaining and handcuffing them, “We are Israelis. We are not your problem. Your problems are our problems. The Palestinians are the problem.” He was the driver of the van, Sivan Kurzberg. The other passengers were his brother Paul Kurzberg, Yaron Shmuel, Oded Ellner and Omer Marmari. The van belonged to the Urban Moving Systems company.

Although a release order was issued, both the CIA and the FBI delayed their release for a total of 71 days of close interrogation. At the end of those days they were all shipped back to Israel without charge. In those two long months, they were subjected to lie detectors many times, although Sivan Kurzberg, in particular, always refused to go through the detector.

The general opinion of those who had contact with the episode was that at least Sivan was an Israeli secret agent.

The offices of Urban M. S. were raided. And its owner, Dominik Suter, was questioned. Also Israeli. Only, a few days later a second interrogation was not possible because the owner of Urban..., 48 hours after the first interrogation, left the country... back to Israel.

ADL does not give any explanation for the peculiar episode. Nor did Urban Moving Systems.

ADL merely describes the episode as belonging to the conspiracy fable. As if it did not exist.

ADL merely describes the episode as belonging to the conspiracy fable. As if it had not existed.

We see the same pattern with many of those labeled by ADL. Certainly, some of them are truly racist, anti-Semitic, white supremacists, because obviously that imperial country was constituted with colonialist, genocidal, racist settlers, mentalities that allowed them first to take the land from the Native Americans and then to expand their power by altering borders always in their favor. And many of those privileged settlers -the hard core of the Republican Party- did not look favorably on newcomers who would wrest control of the "democratic" empire from them. 

The mellifluous, Ben Gurion-like Zionist "diplomatic" leaderships avoided showing the growing dominance of the Judeo-Zionist networks within the US, but with the arrival of Zionist leaders of fascist origin (historical Jabotinski line), such as Ariel Sharon or Binyamin Netanyahu, the audacity to impose conditions on the US administration has increased. And that has resented that old, racist, white American leadership, which now has to swallow the medicine of power that they used to administer.

But for the ADL to show us that David Icke, who claims that 'the Rotschild family has humanoid reptilian blood in its veins that allows it to control the world' shows us only a degree of conceptual primitivism on the part of some of Israel's critics. But that does not prove that all criticism of Israel, of Zionism, of Jews, belongs to that genre of science fiction, not even in Icke himself.

ADL reproduces, for example, other arguments of Icke, to some extent more descriptive and less ideological: “The Zionist and arch-Zionist organizations constitute a network throughout the U.S. and the whole world ready to manipulate and impose the will of arch-Zionism and the cult of death [of Jewish sects he mentions; founded in the 18th century, by Sabbatian Zevi]”. The "death cult" mentioned by Icke, always truculent, is striking. And it shocks us. But the way Israeli society kills in dribs and drabs (and sometimes "in spurts") the Palestinian population that has been suffering the dispossession of its lands for more than a century, makes me think that a mental subterfuge is needed to "legitimize" this broad tolerance of the death of human beings who have had the misfortune to be rooted (for centuries or millennia) on a land that a religion has decided to take possession of.

The atrocious indifference with which Israel executes this population by shooting or by slow fire, year after year, day after day, undoubtedly expresses a kind of cult of (alien, of course) death.

Far more important than those skirmishes over ancestral reptile blood is, returning to ADL, the total lack of skirmishes over quotations to the Yinon Plan, which ADL indulges in. Let's see how they quote Cynthhia McKinney, a USAmerican Afro-environmentalist legislator: “She argued that Israel was behind the attacks, citing Israeli policy documents such as "Clean Break"** and the "Yinon Plan" as references.”

I am not familiar with "Clean Break", but I am certainly familiar with the Yinon Plan, from the early 80's, and it clearly transcribes an Israeli imperial policy on the surrounding Arab nations, and something more: a supremacist attitude for the management of the conflicts that precisely the same Zionist expansionism generates, and has generated since the very first hour of its settlement in Palestine (late 19th century). ADL's criticism of McKinney avoids the arguments presented by the criticized. It only limits itself to labeling her as anti-Semitic and conspiratorial.

Consequently, ADL seems to have no qualms about the Yinon Plan. Which proves its functionality with the Zionist power, not only established in Israel but also in the US and in the UK (there, the Zionist lobby was decisive in crumbling the leadership of Jeremy Corbyn, who wanted to dissociate himself from the colonialist and racist role played by the UK throughout the whole Zionist activity (and much earlier, certainly).

Let's look at yet another (distressing) example of ADL style; It takes it out on GDL, Goyim Defense League (Non-Jewish Defense League) which argues that "Jews have illegitimate power through control of major institutions, such as the mainstream media, the economy or the government [...]." The quotation is a gaffe because it goes on to accuse individual Jews, but the transcribed passage deserves consideration: isn't it true that Jews are overrepresented in the mass media, in the economy, in government? That is very clear in the US, and not only in the US. And it is an explanation as to why the Israelis have such a free hand to abuse the Palestinians. An explanation that is by no means a justification. The world, media-wise, ignores the daily abuse of Palestine and the Palestinians; the ordeal it is to go to work, to study, to return to their homes, always under siege. And to count on the police, so legal, so "western", defending the aggressors?

Let's see how ADL takes it out on Kevin Barrett: “Barrett disseminates antisemitic 9/11 conspiracy theories as a frequent guest on Iran’s Press TV, hosts a wide array of antisemites on his internet radio show, and is a regular contributor to Veterans Today and the Unz Review […]. Barrett often invokes anti-Semitic conspiracy theories about an alleged manipulation of world events, claiming that the West does not understand Israeli duplicity because of widespread underground Zionist power.”

There is the quote, but we are left without knowing how ADL refutes such claims. Is there not widespread clandestine Zionist power, is there not manipulation of world events? We are left in the dark about Barrett's alleged unreasonableness. Does ADL believe that it is their bull to neutralize and refute what the accused (in this case, Barrett) has said?

ADL takes it out on the USAmerican, former Republican U.S. Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy, Paul Craig Roberts. It quotes him as saying, “The neoconservatives who dominated the Cheney/Bush government identified the Arab Middle East as the enemy and said a ‘new Pearl Harbor’ was needed to provide wars to overthrow 7 countries in 5 years…To provide the ‘new Pearl Harbor,’ Cheney, the neoconservatives, and Israel orchestrated the attacks on the WTC and Pentagon…9/11 was a Deep State operation.” – Paul Craig Roberts, September 2020

ADL barely transcribes it. As if the mere presentation of such considerations would fall of their own weight. When it could very well be the exact opposite.

Let's read it. The document to which Roberts refers, "Rebuilding America's Defenses" (September 2000), a clearly imperialist and supremacist manifesto, signed by the neoconservative skull of the government of the time, composed primarily of Jews (and some who are not), calls for "creating" a new Pearl Harbor. An unabashed imperialism.

The document reveals an eagerness to preserve "preponderance" (a term coined by George Kennan in the 1950s); "to promote U.S. global leadership. Accordingly they promote "the new frontiers" [in the formation of the US on the US mainland, the ever-shifting "frontier question" was very important; imprinting on the US collective unconscious a new frontier now planet-wide expresses the global imperialist reach now at stake].

And in that concert of planetary control the authors of "Rebuilding..." see shortfalls; supply services have not increased at the same rate as fighter aircraft, for example, Marine training is lagging... “In a word, a Navy capable of preserving U.S. maritime preeminence is going to require much larger increases in Navy budgets [...] to preserve U.S. military preeminence in the decades ahead the Department of Defense must move more aggressively.”

And our beleaguered neoconservative nerds looks on with concern that "the transformation process, even if it entails revolutionary changes, is likely to take a long time, lacking a catastrophic, catalyzing event, such as a new Pearl Harbor. Domestic and industrial policy will take the pace and transformational content as much as the military missions require.”

ADL is either dazzled by its own lights and has forgotten the ability to reason and address reality, or is persuaded of the effect of the policy of placing certain critical intellectual manifestations or certain individuals on the Index (it was a system assiduously employed by the Catholic Church centuries ago, but "liquid modernity" has revealed its utter inefficiency).

We wonder if the Zionist power intends to rule "our souls" with such "truths" that need no demonstration.

In any case, ADL's denunciation expresses total impotence and intellectual poverty. Or nerve. Too much chutzpah**.


*In Spanish, the author uses the word conspiranoico, a humorous acronym formed from conspira(tivo) and (para)noico. Maybe we could use the neologism paranoic in English.

**A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm (commonly known as the "Clean Break" report) is a policy document that was prepared in 1996 by a study group led by Richard Perle for Benjamin Netanyahu, the then Prime Minister of Israel. The report explained a new approach to solving Israel's security problems in the Middle East with an emphasis on "Western values." It has since been criticized for advocating an aggressive new policy including the removal of Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq and the containment of Syria by engaging in proxy warfare and highlighting its possession of "weapons of mass destruction". Certain parts of the policies set forth in the paper were rejected by Netanyahu.[Wikipedia]

*** Chutzpah: Hebrew word passed into Yiddish, and from there into English and German, meaning impudence, insolence, effrontery. In today's Israeli Hebrew, it has acquired a positive sense, equivalent to audacity, as a main component of a supposed israeliness.

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