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Affichage des articles triés par pertinence pour la requête renán vega cantor. Trier par date Afficher tous les articles


Pendant qu’Israël massacre les Palestiniens, la littérature sur l’Holocauste prolifère

Renán Vega Cantor, La Pluma, 18/7/2024
Traduit par
Fausto Giudice, Tlaxcala

Renán Vega Cantor (Bogotá, 1958) est un historien et enseignant colombien.
Il est professeur à l’Universidad Pedagógica Nacional de Bogotá. Bibliographie Articles

“Israël est une nation nécrophile, obsédée et possédée par la mort, et en particulier par les camps de la mort de l’Holocauste, incapable de comprendre l’atrocité et pourtant suffisamment capable d’user et d’abuser de ses souvenirs au nom de ses objectifs politiques.”
-Ilan Pappé,
The Idea of Israel: A History of Power and Knowledge (L’idée d’Israël : une histoire du pouvoir et de la connaissance), Verso Books, 2014.

Je suis devant une librairie, l’une des dernières de Bogotá, et comme je le fais depuis des années, je m’arrête pour regarder les nouveaux livres proposés dans les vitrines qui donnent sur la rue. Quelque chose attire immédiatement mon attention : il y a des dizaines de livres sur l’holocauste nazi contre les Juifs pendant la Deuxième Guerre mondiale. Je me méfie un peu, car nous sommes en 2024, en plein génocide de l’État d’Israël contre les Palestiniens. Je regarde plus attentivement pour voir si je peux trouver des livres sur ce génocide en cours. Il n’y en a pas.

-Plus jamais ça !
-Encore une fois !
Carlos Latuff, 2009

Cette prolifération de littérature sur les nazis, la Deuxième Guerre mondiale et les Juifs éveille ma curiosité. J’entre dans la librairie et sur les premières étagères où sont exposés les livres les plus récents, il y a des dizaines de textes sur l’Holocauste. Il y a de tout : histoire, mémoires, romans, chroniques, témoignages, essais, analyses historiographiques, études sociologiques... Les livres traitent des enfants, des femmes, des homosexuels, des personnes âgées... qui ont été persécutés par les nazis et l’épicentre spatial se limite à ce qui s’est passé dans les territoires européens occupés par les armées hitlériennes en Pologne, en Tchécoslovaquie et dans d’autres pays de l’Europe centrale et orientale. Un thème qui ressort est celui des camps de concentration, en particulier Auschwitz. Il n’y a pas de livre, du moins à première vue, sur l’invasion allemande de l’Union soviétique et les crimes qui y ont été commis.

Cette exposition et cette propagande bibliographique se caractérisent par le fait que les livres ont été écrits et publiés récemment, pour la plupart entre 2022 et 2024. Bien sûr, certains titres connus sont exposés, comme les œuvres de Primo Levi ou le Journal d’Anne Frank.

Pour vous donner un avant-goût de certains des titres des livres que j’ai pu voir en direct : Le photographe d’Auschwitz ; L’Holocauste rose ; Les 999 femmes d’Auschwitz ; La fille qui s’est échappée d’Auschwitz ; Ma grand- mère était à Auschwitz ; Le peintre d’Auschwitz ; J’ai survécu à l’Holocauste ; Pour comprendre l’Holocauste ; Fuir l’Holocauste ; Une brève histoire de l’Holocauste ; Le mystère de l’Holocauste dévoilé ; Représenter l’Holocauste ; Le garçon au pyjama rayé ; Le journal d’Helga. Témoignage d’une jeune fille dans un camp de concentration ; La chance. Echapper à l’Holocauste ; Questions que l’on m’a posées sur l’Holocauste ; Mémoires d’un historien de l’Holocauste...

Et il ne s’agit là que d’un petit échantillon représentatif de la profusion de littérature sur les Juifs et l’Holocauste que l’on peut observer de nos jours. À l’intérieur de la librairie, il n’y a pas de livres sur les Palestiniens, du moins pas en exposition publique, et si vous interrogez les libraires sur la Palestine et le génocide en cours, ils vous répondent qu’il n’y a pas grand- chose à montrer.


NATO exploits Picasso’s anti-war ‘Guernica’

Renán Vega Cantor, El Colectivo, 7/7/2022
Translated by John Catalinotto

The author is a Colombian historian

Now it turns out that NATO, a criminal organization par excellence, is using ‘Guernica’ as a symbol of its wars of aggression against the world, where the blood and pain generated by the fascist forces in the small town of Guernica on April 26, 1937, is multiplied.

This group posed in front of Picasso’s ‘Guernica’ painting included Queen Letizia of Spain, Jill Biden of the U.S. and 14 other ‘First Ladies’ of ‘world leaders’ attending the 2022 NATO Summit in Madrid, June 29.

The photo is outrageous, although at first glance it appears harmless: A group of women are posing, and in the background is “Guernica,” Pablo Picasso’s iconic anti-war painting. What is behind this seemingly innocent and banal photo?

To understand, it is necessary to discuss who the women in the photo are and what was happening when it was taken. Because let’s remember there is no text — in this case it’s all visual, just a photo — without a context that might allow us to understand it.

In the photo are women linked to European or North American power. They are the “First Ladies,” who met in Madrid on the occasion of the NATO Summit in early July. They were summoned there by Spanish Queen Letizia Ortiz.

That is to say, they are women who accompany the presidents and prime ministers of the member countries of that military alliance that serves U.S. imperialism. The NATO meeting spoke precisely not about peace, but about war.

In this context, the photograph is an apology for war on the part of the women linked to NATO power. Considering the circumstances, the image of Guernica has been dragged through the muck.

Guernica is a universal icon that denounces the barbarities of war in general and the fascist aggression suffered by Spain in the 1930s in particular.


Edición especial Balance 2021

Grafiti barrio San Antonio, Cali, Colombia

“Donde está el peligro, crece también lo que salva”, escribió el poeta alemán Hölderlin en 1803, en una Europa atrapada en una tormenta iniciada por la Revolución francesa de 1789. El mundo de 2021 está atravesado por otras tormentas, que se llaman cambio climático, guerra tecnológica, destrucción de la Madre Tierra y de sus más humildes habitantes, y, por supuesto, pandemia. Otro año en que los más ricos se volvieron aún más ricos y las y los de abajo intentaron retomar los poderes que les quitaron. El año que viene arriesga de ser otro annus horribilis. Entretanto, lean el balance de 2021 por nuestros autores, desde varios rincones de la naranja azul.

París, 31 de diciembre de 2021
La Pluma.net 
Agencia Pueblos en pie, Francia                                         
la red de traductores por la    diversidad lingüística

«No somos jueces somos testigos. Nuestra tarea es hacer posible que la humanidad sea testigo de estos crímenes horrendos y ponerla del lado de la justicia.. »
Bertrand Russell

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La tenencia de tierra en Colombia, una historia de campesinos sin tierra

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Una mirada somera al mundo de fin de año

Sergio Rodríguez Gelfenstein

Antonio Machado en Barcelona: las razones poliéticas de un poeta muy concernido

Salvador López Arnal

Doce uvas

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Algo más sobre el 2001 que nos parió

Oscar Soto

Colombia, tierra de leones y otros rugidos

Reinaldo Spitaletta

Cuidado con “el mal menor”

Carlos Aznárez

¿Está la clase obrera usamericana al borde de un nuevo empuje sindical?

John Catalinotto

Frente a una guerra híbrida de agresión , Venezuela resiste

Michel Mujica

Bancar a los pibes

Jorge Luis Ubertalli Ombrelli

2021 en Colombia el año en que se hizo visible el Terrorismo de Estado

Renán Vega Cantor

La cuestión nacional en Latinoamérica y el Caribe

Juan Diego García

América Latina afirmó la confrontación social entre modelos económicos

Juan J. Paz y Miño Cepeda

La Pandemia de CoV-19 Vs Movilizaciones mundiales para transformar

Félix Orlando Giraldo Giraldo 

Regresos latinoamericanos

Jorge Elbaum

Merengue Montañero Pa’ denunciar

Edwin Hoyos Osorio  

Versión Française



Éduquer après le génocide de Gaza

Le titre de ce texte paraphrase Éduquer après AuschwitzPDF, titre d’une conférence radiophonique donnée par le philosophe allemand Theodor Adorno en 1966 et publiée plus tard sous forme imprimée, dont les premières lignes se lisent comme suit : « Exiger qu’Auschwitz ne se reproduise plus jamais est l’exigence première de toute éducation. Elle précède tellement toutes les autres que je ne crois pas devoir ou pouvoir la justifier. Je ne peux pas comprendre qu’on s’en soit si peu soucié jusqu’à aujourd’hui. La justifier serait quelque peu monstrueux face à la monstruosité de ce qui s’est passé.  […] Discuter d’idéaux dans le domaine de l’éducation ne mène à rien face à cette exigence : plus jamais d’Auschwitz. Ce fut le type de barbarie contre laquelle se dresse toute éducation. »  Aujourd'hui, nous sommes confrontés à une répétition de la barbarie génocidaire de la part d’Israël contre le peuple palestinien. Dans cet essai, l'historien colombien esquisse ce que pourraient et devraient être les orientations des éducateur·trices critiques animé·es par une éthique humaniste.

Traduit par  Fausto Giudice, Tlaxcala



La educación después del genocidio de Gaza


El título de este texto parafrasea a La educación después de Auschwitz, el título de una charla radiofónica que dio el filósofo alemán Theodor Adorno en 1966 y que luego se publicó en formato libro, en cuyas primeras líneas se dice: “La exigencia de que Auschwitz no se repita es la primera de todas en la educación. Hasta tal punto precede a cualquier otra que no creo deber ni poder fundamentarla. No acierto a entender que se haya dedicado tan poca atención hasta hoy. Fundamentarla tendría algo de monstruoso ante la monstruosidad de lo sucedido. […]. Cualquier debate sobre ideales de educación es vano e indiferente en comparación con este: que Auschwitz no se repita. Fue la barbarie, contra la que se dirige toda educación.” Hoy nos encontramos ante la repetición de la barbarie genocida contra el pueblo palestino por parte de Israel. El historiador colombiano esboza en este ensayo cuales podrían y deberían ser las orientaciones de l@s educador@s crític@s impulsados por una ética humanista.




Colombia: President Petro, it is time to break relations with the genocidal Israeli regime!
Join the first 126 signatories to the petition

Translated by Fausto Giudice, Tlaxcala

  You can add your signature to the first 126 ones by clicking here 

Urgent appeal to the President of the Republic of Colombia Gustavo Petro Urrego

“So leave our country
Our land, our sea
Our wheat, our salt, our wounds
Everything, and leave
The memories of memory
O those who pass between fleeting words!”

Mahmud Darwish,
Those Who Pass Between Fleeting Words, 1988


State of Palestine Street, Bogotá (inaugurated in September 2023)

Mr. President Gustavo Petro, friends and other recipients of this communication,

With alarm and anguish we are witnessing the vile genocide perpetrated by the Zionist State of Israel against the Palestinian people. In turn, the United States is complicit in such horror, has deployed its war apparatus to the ar zone and supports Netanyahu's government with weapons.

For decades, it has spent a fortune in arming Israel. This drama is not new, it is 75 years of ignominy since the very creation of this state. It is the aberrant disproportion of two powers raging against a small territory and its people.

Pain and indignation have seized us, the images reveal all the impiety exercised, they have even bombed hospitals and refugee centers causing to date more than ten thousand fatalities without counting the missing, most defenceless girls, boys and women, civilian population. We are seeing the destruction and the bleeding of a people in all its dimension.

Inevitably, repudiation of such ignominy has been expressed from different parts of the world. Massive demonstrations have been held in many cities. As of today, several countries have spoken out. In our case, we are encouraged by your courageous declarations, qualifying this barbarism of the State of Israel as what it is: a genocide, as well as a “cleansing” or continuous ethnic elimination for 75 years. You have pointed out that the Zionist regime has violated human rights, that it has ignored all UN resolutions. You have also condemned their inhumane actions, and this deserves great recognition from us. Colombia, as well as several other countries, has recalled its ambassadors for consultation. The Plurinational State of our sister country Bolivia has broken diplomatic and economic relations with the Israeli State.

Although there is a forceful pronouncement on your part, it is of greater scope, to ratify it, to take one more step; that step that advances among the smoke of bombs to say No more, from our country Colombia we do not condone it. For this reason and in the face of such a misfortune, President Gustavo Petro, we raise our petition, which arises from the heart of the feeling of popular sectors that voted for the Government of Change that you preside together with Francia Márquez. We also call on Colombians who read this communiqué to adhere to this clamor by signing the following petition:

We would like to request President Gustavo Petro, the immediate severance of diplomatic, economic and political relations with the State of Israel with the consequent expulsion from our territory of the diplomatic corps of said country and the cancellation and/or embargo on all contracts concerning military security systems and armaments.

It is imperative to cancel the agreement that absurdly and regrettably grants us the condition of “strategic partner” of NATO, given that our country has no geographical or political reason to belong to that organization. Both the existence of U.S. military bases in our territory and our membership in this military organization, which goes against world peace, not only threatens our sovereignty, but also places us as an ally of the U.S. military forces in the scenario of a possible war between foreign powers. Likewise, Colombia considers itself as a “non-aligned” country, which unfortunately is only possible in words, because in practice we are not, since we are a signatory country of those agreements with NATO and accept the existence of U.S. military bases in our territory, a situation that you fought against and denounced in other days. Asserting Colombia's sovereignty before the world and positioning our country as a territory of peace would constitute the ratification of your policy of total peace, not only for our territory but also for the planet, in accordance with your positioning as a world leader for global peace.

With sincere appreciation and consideration, the following Colombian persons, residing in Colombia and abroad, sign this petition:

Gloria Gaitán, social fighter and writer, daughter of the great leader Jorge Eliécer Gaitán.
 Hernando Calvo Ospina, writer, journalist, documentary filmmaker, Paris, France.
 Renán Vega Cantor, writer, researcher, university professor. Bogotá, Colombia.
Reinaldo Spitaletta, journalist, writer, columnist for El Espectador, Medellín, Colombia.
Daniel Libreros, research professor, Universidad Nacional, Bogotá, Colombia.
Victor de Currea-Lugo, physician, journalist, university professor, Bogotá, Colombia.
 Juan Manuel Arango, journalist, Noticiero Clarín, Colombia.
Blanca Merz, social leader, Hamburg, Germany.
Mauricio Vidales, poet and columnist, Hamburg, Germany.
Eleazar Plaza, writer, editor, director of Rosa Blindada Ediciones, Cali, Colombia.
Alberto Aguilera, historian, researcher specializing in Simón Bolívar, Cali, Colombia.
Juan Diego García, writer, Colombia.
 Matilde E. Trujillo U. freethinker, popular educator, Cali, Colombia.
 Luis Alfonso Mena, journalist, lawyer, historian, director of Periodismo Libre de Cali.
Ildebrando Arévalo, historian, international analyst, professor ESAP, Cali, Colombia.
 Luis Carlos Domínguez Prada, lawyer, writer, human rights defender, Bogotá, Colombia.
 Manuel Caicedo Paz, freethinker, socio-political activist, Cali, Colombia.
 José Urbano, documentary filmmaker, Cali, Colombia.
 Carlos Fuentes Delgado, metallurgical engineer, university professor, Cali, Colombia.
 Iván Enrique Chaves, health worker, pensioner, Cali, Colombia.
Harold Adolfo Ortíz Calero, magister in political science, doctor in philosophy, Cali, Colombia.
 Henry Montesdeoca, singer-songwriter, Cali, Colombia.
María Piedad Ossaba, independent journalist, director of La PLuma, Paris, France.
Mario Ossaba, painter, sculptor, Paris, France.
 Lilian Eugenia Gómez Álvarez, agronomist, PHD Biological Sciences, Medellín, Colombia.
 David López, jurist, director AIDHES, Switzerland.
 Álvaro Lopera, journalist and engineer, Colombia.
 Eliécer Jiménez Julio, journalist exiled in Geneva, Switzerland.
 Evelio Loayza, physician, human rights defender, CPDH, Cali, Colombia.
Alcides Lesmes, trade unionist, human rights defender, exiled from the UP, Valencia, Spain.
 José Manuel Gómez, UP political exile, Geneva, Switzerland.
Zoilo Angulo Ríos, agricultural engineer, PHD candidate, Valencia, Spain.
Nelson Restrepo Arango, lawyer, human rights defender, exiled, Madrid, Spain.
Jaime Jiménez García, historian, lawyer, Medellín, Colombia.
 Carlos Arturo Velandia, peace promoter, Medellín, Colombia.
Patricia Quintero, teacher exiled in Belgium.
André Veraart, pensioner, Belgium.
Cecilia Saavedra Ruiz, journalist, director of Zuma Qamana Cooperative, Bogotá, Colombia.
Rodrigo Vargas, human rights defender, CPDH, Cali, Colombia.
Heidy Rojas, project technologist, human rights defender, CPDH, Cali, Colombia.
Jovanny Rojas, human rights defender, demobilized FARC-EP peace signatory, Cali, Colombia.
Milton Luna, teacher, graduate in Chemistry, Cali, Colombia.
Elías Díaz, writer, Cali, Colombia.
 Diego Gil, writer, Cali, Colombia.
 Ana Ruth Mejía, architect, Cali, Colombia.
 Yamil Gutiérrez, philosopher, Cali, Colombia.
 Stella Jane Potes Cortés, artist, Cali, Colombia.
Jairo Ramírez Benjumea, social psychologist UNAD, Cali, Colombia.
 Pablo Angarita, actor, playwright, stage director, Cali, Colombia.
 Margarita María Aristizábal Ariza, anthropologist, Cali, Colombia.
 Hugo Sánchez, cultural manager, director of Café Cinema, Bogotá, Colombia.
Luna Vera, actress, cultural manager, artivist, Bogota, Colombia.
 Aleida Tabares Montes, actress, playwright, stage director, poet. Bogota, Colombia.
 María Catalina Hurtado, graduate in Social Sciences, Cali, Colombia.
 Clemencia Gálvez, literature teacher, poet. Cali, Colombia.
 José Figueroa Fernández, exiled in Brussels, Belgium.
María Fernanda Quintero, geographer, researcher Territorio y Población, Bogotá, Colombia.
 Miguel Hernández Chavarro, industrial engineer, Bogotá, Colombia.
Javier Meza Lagrancurth, petroleum engineer, Santa Marta, Colombia.
 Marco Alfredo Forero Parra, lawyer, Bogotá, Colombia.
 Luis Eduardo Agudelo Caro, pensioner, Bogotá, Colombia.
Eduardo Duplat Sanjuan, demobilized M19, Cúcuta, Colombia.
 Iván Bocanegra, mechanical engineer, Corinto, Colombia.
 Adolfo León Arciniegas Martínez, beekeeper, Palmira, Colombia.
 Mauricio Domínguez Caicedo, university professor, Cali, Colombia.
 Alfredo Martínez Vásquez, veterinarian and zootechnician, Cali, Colombia.
Francia Elena Prado Cedano, lawyer, Cali, Colombia.
Jorge Kujar, plastic artist, Cali, Colombia.
Jesús Alberto Gómez, architect, Cali, Colombia.
José Ramírez, M19 exile in Spain.
 Walter Tello, plastic artist, Cali, Cali, Colombia.
 Beatriz Eugenia Hurtado, plastic artist, Cali, Colombia.
 Marta Inés Hurtado, poet, Cali, Colombia.
Harrinson Riascos Torres, systems engineer, Hamburg, Germany.
Victor Edgar Vélez Giraldo, peasant artist, Palmira, Colombia.
 Edgar Aníbal Roa Zamora, social leader, Cali, Colombia.
Ángela María Quintero, psychologist, PhD University of Valencia, Spain.
Emely Marín, human rights lawyer, Valencia, Spain.
Willie Milton Hostos Álvarez, visual artist, Valencia, Spain.
 María Cristina Palacio, sociologist, public policy specialist, Manizales, Colombia.
 Gladys Giraldo, psychologist, Medellín, Colombia.
 Alba Nora Aristizábal, human rights lawyer, Manizales, Colombia.
 Amparo Mejía Arbeláez, sociologist, Manizales, Colombia.
David Marcelo Idarraga, publicist, Barcelona, Spain.
Pietro Alfonso Schiavo, soccer coach, Köln, Germany.
Sara García, economist, Valencia, Spain.
 Rafael Escobar, publicist, Cali, Colombia.
Anilsa Caicedo Salazar, lawyer, Universidad Nacional, Bogotá, Colombia.
Jairo Restrepo, freelance journalist, USA.
Juan Carlos García Rivera, anthropologist, Universidad Nacional, Bogotá, Colombia.
Miryam Christel, sociologist, Stuttgart, Germany.
 Gloria Mesa, graduate in English philology, pensioner, Manizales, Colombia.
María Carolina Estepa Becerra, lawyer, Bogotá, Colombia.
Juan Pablo Estupinan, lawyer, Bogotá, Colombia.
 Blanca Lucía Mera, attorney, Procuraduría, Bogotá, Colombia.
 Francia Elena Correa, psychologist, Manizales, Colombia.
 Luz Marina Cruz Pérez Cruz, psychologist, Pereira, Colombia.
María Emma Rodriguez Mosquera, social activist, Cali, Colombia.
 Johanna María López, head nurse, Medellín, Colombia.
 Beatriz del Socorro Escobar, lawyer, Medellín, Colombia.
 Silverio Mejía, artist, Manizales, Colombia.
 María Teresa Puerta Marín, social activist, Toronto, Canada.
 Oswaldo Quintero, lawyer, Pereira, Colombia.
 Claudia Patricia Gómez, social worker, Bogotá, Colombia.
Silvia Zuleta, social activist, Barcelona, Spain.
 Martha Isabel Povea de Caicedo, retired teacher, Armenia, Colombia.
Laura Vargas, administrative, Valencia, Spain.
Stella García, business administrator, Cali, Colombia.
 Patricia Duque, therapist in Traditional Oriental Medicine, Cali, Colombia.
 César A. Duque Córdoba, lawyer, public official, Cali, Colombia.
Yira Bolaños Arturo, reincorporation and reconciliation project coordinator, Cali Mayor's Office
Patricia González, business administrator, Cali, Colombia.
 Daniela Córdoba, professional in international business, Cali, Colombia.
 Silvia María Salazar Giraldo, lawyer, human rights defender, Cali, Colombia.
 Rosalba Hernández, independent trader, Cali, Colombia.
 Esperanza Cerón, physician, Cali, Colombia.
 Elizabeth Cubaque, popular leader, Ciudad Bolivar, Bogota, Colombia.
 Santiago Duque, worker, Cali, Colombia.
Ángela Liliana Mazuera León, psychologist, philosophy graduate, human rights defender, Cali, Colombia.
Pilar Orozco, psychologist, Cali, Colombia.
Lisandro Duque Naranjo, cineasta, columnista y escritor